44+ BEST Gay Fantasy Romance Novels | My Fave M/M Romance Novels in 2023

gay fantasy romance novels

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Hey friend! If you’ve found yourself here, it’s because you’re looking for gay fantasy romance novels! I’m a HUGE book nerd (and lover of romance novels), so I’ve put together this guide based on my own adventures in reading.

I had been looking for gay romance novels for YEARS, and thought that I had to just put up with side stories featuring gay characters. As a queer person, representation is so important, and for years I struggled to find ANY LGBT characters in fantasy romance novels.

representation is so important, and for years I struggled to find ANY LGBT characters in fantasy romance novels.

And then, I found gay romance novels on Amazon, thanks to Kindle Unlimited. The indie publishing industry has done WONDERS for representation, and there are a TON of gay fantasy romance novels just waiting to be read!

This post is all about gay fantasy romance novels.

Heads up, this post was published on December 6, 2023. It was last updated on August 29, 2023.

gay fantasy romance novels
Want to keep track of this list of awesome gay fantasy romance novel recs?! Be sure to save this pin to your Pinterest! <3

Gay Fantasy Romance Novels

It feels really great to be able to support indie authors on Amazon, and I actually have a SUBSCRIPTION to gay romance novels on Amazon — through Kindle Unlimited.

I pay a monthly fee (something like $15 ish) to read as many books on Kindle Unlimited as I want. It’s kind of like Netflix, but for gay romance novels.

Listen, if you plan on snagging more than a few of the gay romance novels in my listicle, then you NEED Kindle Unlimited. If you’re anything like me, then you read a TON of books. I have been known to polish off a romance or five in one night!! Kindle Unlimited is CLUTCH.

Now, before you get worried about the bank accounts of our beloved gay m/m fantasy authors, authors get paid through Kindle Unlimited (KU), earning a set amount of money per page, generally.

In my listicle below, I’ve been sure to note what mm romances are on Amazon, specifically, Kindle Unlimited!

Ok, without further ado – let’s get into discussing gay fantasy romances!

Hey there! I’m Brianne Huntsman, AKA “The Huntswoman”! In this post, I’ve shared my very best recommendations for folks who are looking for gay fantasy romance novels (being super heckin’ specific here. lol)! If you have questions or you’d like to share YOUR rec with me, please feel free to send me a DM on Instagram or send me an email!

The Huntswoman

Quick Note on “Fantasy”

“Fantasy” can mean different things to different people. In my book, if a world has fantasy elements (like magic), then it’s a fantasy novel. Buuuut some folks take “fantasy” to mean a sort of fairytale or Lord of the Rings-like book, with swords, dragon, and (probably) no penicillin. In the world of book nerdery, we call this “High Fantasy.”

Fun Fact: Gay mm romance novels that are similar to Lord of The Rings, with quests, kings, etc, are called “High Fantasy.”

Because of this, I’ve been sure to note what mm fantasy novels are more high fantasy, as well as notes on paranormal (woo ghosts), etc. I don’t want to get too obsessed with terms, and my goal in sharing this information is to help YOU find the gay romance novels you want to read. I’ve also included multiple series from the same authors (some of these mm fantasy writers are PROLIFIC), and I’ve linked the first book in the series, because, well, duh.

To make the most of this list, I recommend that you use the “CTRL+F” keys (hit command and hold it down while hitting “F”). Type in words or phrases that relate to your search, like:

  • Slow burn
  • Vampire
  • Shifter
  • Trans
  • Vampire
  • Sci Fi
  • Polyamory


#1: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: Scales N’ Spells by A.J. Sherwood and Jocelyn Drake (Kindle Unlimited)

First up on my list, I have an urban fantasy meets high fantasy combo, with the Scales N’ Spells series from AJ Sherwood and Jocelyn Drake.

This series is one of those classic fantasy romance tales, one where everyone thinks dragons are extinct — but they’re not! (The authors did a fun twist on this, creating a world where dragons had existed and been well-known.)

This is a cute and fun gay fantasy romance, with just a TOUCH of angst. Truly just a SMIDGE of angst. The first book has the age gap trope, and other books play with various romance tropes. The best thing I can say about these books is that they’ll make you chuckle, and leave you smiling after you’ve read them.

ALSO!! This series of gay fantasy romance novels is SUPER fascinating to me, as a reader, because every book has a different level of… gravitas. The writers do a really excellent job telling stories through the main character’s (respective) eyes, showing different interpretations of the world created.

Snag this gay romance novel here!

#2: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: Treasure for Treasure by R Cooper

gay fantasy romance novels

Next up on my list gay fantasy romance novels, we have THIS novel that is ACHINGLY sweet. Seriously, R. Cooper outdid themselves on this one!

This modern gay fantasy romance novel (aka “urban fantasy”) features a sweet but sheltered Dragon and tattooed barista.

I mean, c’mon, WHAT’S NOT TO LOVE!

I def had water eyes during different parts of this lovely LGBT fantasy romance, but I wasn’t outright SOBBING. (Sometimes when I’m looking for a good romance, I have specific requirements on how much I wanna cry, which is why I include the sort of cry-o-meter!)

  • Pages: 355
  • Cry-O-Meter: Watery eyes, no wailing/sobbing

Check out this gay romance novel here!

#3: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: A Suitable Consort by R Cooper

gay fantasy romance novels

A POLYAMOROUS gay fantasy romance?!?!? HOW FREAKING FUN IS THAT!

This novel is ALSO by R. Cooper (who wrote the previous entry), and the world building in this gay fantasy romance is SUPERB. (Ok, real talk, this book actually might be considered… historical fiction? Because there’s no magic? But also the author built a whole other world… so…. IDK you be the judge!)

Featuring tropes like a kind of clueless librarian and gruff but endearing powerful men, this is a SUPER fun read! There were a few sections in the middle that were a bit tedious, so I kind of just did a speed read through those parts.

  • Page count unavailable (?)
  • Cry-O-Meter: No tears!

Capture this gay romance novel here!

#4: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: Fae Out of Water Series by E. J. Russell

gay fantasy romance novels

This next gay fantasy romance novel is an urban fantasy novel, and the new approach is very fun.

What would happen if a magical being needed a secretary, and the temp agency messed up — and sent a human? And what if that human was very good at solving problems using modern common sense, instead of getting all tripped up on the rich history and cultural demands of supernatural creatures?

*Bats eyelashes*

I would tell you more, but I can’t figure out how to be vague enough to be interesting, yet not give anything away. So, I’ll just let you click over to the description if you’re intrigued

Snag this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#5: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: Enchanted Occasion Series by E. J. Russell

gay fantasy romance novels

Finishing up (for now!), my listicle of gay fantasy romance novels, we have this urban fantasy series by E.J. Russel.

This is… almost like a side series that fits in with the larger events of the series above, which is fun. There’s a good amount of world hopping, logistics of magical events and functions discussions, great world building, and, of course, YEARNING, BABY!

  • 146 pages
  • Cry-o-meter: None! ZEROOOO!

Get this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#6: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: Vampire’s Mate Series by Grae Bryan (Kindle Unlimited)

gay fantasy romance novels

Ok, my little lovers of gay fantasy romances, it is time for BROODING!

Sigh. I just love a good brooding hero.

This series by Grae Bryan focuses on vampires (surprise), and it’s set in a paranormal world. So you get fantastical creatures, but debatable existence of ~magic.~ I wouldn’t say that this series is dark fantasy so much as it is GRITTY fantasy. If you like urban fantasy books by Iona Andrews and Seanan McGuire, this will probably be up your alley.

I also love how the author plays with different vampire romance tropes, but shows very different characters. Bryan does an EXCELLENT job of showing how different kinds of characters view the same world, and they have this way of engaging with morally grey areas that I appreciated!

  • 267 pages
  • Cry-O-Meter: A few tears!

See more deets about this gay romance novel here!

#7: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: Ghostly Guardians by Louisa Masters (Paranormal MM Romance on Kindle Unlimited)

gay fantasy romance novels

Ahhh, Louisa Masters! She does such a good job of writing mischievous characters. Mwhahahahaha.

This paranormal gay fantasy romance features a restored farm and inn that has a crap ton of ghosts. Louisa Masters is NOT super into angst and longing in this series, so if you get easily annoyed by progatonists YEARNING and wailing for 2/3 of the book, then this is a good one for you.

(Personally, the amount of yearning I want in my romances changes from day to day, lol.)

  • 264 Pages
  • Cry-O-Meter: Very fun, no crying!!!

Learn more about this gay romance novel here!

#8: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: House in the Cerulean Sea

gay fantasy romance novels - urban fantasy

Next up on my list of LGBT gay fantasy romance novels, we have THIS BOOK by TJ Klune. Now, real talk, I have been… less than impressed with the gay romance and fantasy novels put out by “traditional publishing” (most of the books on this list have been self-published), but this book did NOT disappoint.

It is achingly sweet, and it’s also VERY funny. TJ Klune draws on British humor and fantasy (the structure of this society reminds of something we’d see in Dr. Who or a Neil Gaimon novel), while also creating something beautiful unique.

This is one of those books where you don’t skim ahead (I’m guilty of that when reading romance!), or you’ll miss something vital.

I read this book for the first time on a plane, and I kept snuffling and having to wipe at my eyes (in a good way). 10/10 recommend.

  • 416 Pages
  • Cry-o-meter: Lots of tears, basically sobbing. Do not read on a plane or people will be Concerned TM.

Read more about this gay romance novel here!

#9: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: Jewels Bonds Series by Megan Derr

gay fantasy romance novels

This next gay fantasy romance series is a series of “short reads.” This category has become increasingly popular on Amazon, and Megan Derr has (once again) built a beautiful world with mages, knights and fascinating characters with unique insecurities.

The way Megan Derr weaves sexuality into stories to be part of them — but not THEE POINT — is so refreshing. Love it.

  • 51 pages
  • Cry-o-meter: A few sniffles!

Grab this gay romance novel here!

#10: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: Locke & Key by Megan Derr

gay fantasy romance novels

This next gay fantasy romance novel is ALSO a short read by Megan Derr – in fact, there are THREE gay vampire romance short stories in this here anthology.

In my mind, I picture Megan Derr just skipping around and quickly building worlds, she’s THAT good at it. These novels have bite, diverse characters, and while they draw on typical vampire romance tropes — they offer something new

  • 95 Pages
  • Cry-o-meter: No tears

Snag up this gay romance novel here!

#11: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: How I Stole a Princess’s White Knight and Turned Him to Villainy by A.J. Sherwood (Comedic High Fantasy on Kindle Unlimited)

gay fantasy romance novels

I am very excited to share this next gay fantasy romance novel series, BECAUSE IT’S FINALLY FINISHED PUBLISHING.

Lol, let me explain.

AJ Sherwood is a popular gay fantasy and gay paranormal author, and she has done a few serials on her website where she publishes a chapter a week (ish, don’t quote me on that). She then takes those serials and self-publishes them on Amazon.

I remember seeing this series on her site, and deciding to wait to just read it on Amazon (author websites do not have great organization, not to be rude). And I wish I HADN’T! I wish I had read the whole book on her site, because she ended up serializing this over a period of 6-ish weeks.

The wait was obnoxious AND delightful, let me tell you.

ANYWAYS, I should probably get to talking about the book!

This series incorporates many of the memes or fantasy book jokes we see on tumblr, into a delightful series with an incorrigible dark sorcerer and a very, ahem, handsome First Knight. It’s interesting, a fun romp and read, and I think that this book (all six, that is!) will leave you smiling.

  • 95 pages (ish per book)
  • Cry-o-meter: No tears!

Snag this gay romance novel here!

#12: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: Fairytales Slashed by Megan Derr

gay fantasy romance novels

Before you judge me for including yet ANOTHER Megan Derr book on this roundup of gay fantasy romance novels, I want you to know that the author DOES write other kinds of historical fiction, so I’m really just trying to help you out by pointing out WHICH of her books have a fantasy element.

Also, it’s my blog, and I can do what I want!!

This book is a set of lovely short stories (that are longer short stories without being novellas? I think?), featuring dragons, wizards, etc. Some of them weren’t my cup of tea, while others I LOVED. What’s great about an anthology is that you can skip around and do what YOU WANT!

  • 471 Pages
  • Cry-o-meter: No tears

Check out this gay romance novel here!

#13: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: Blackhaven Manor Shifter Series by Arden Steele (Kindle Unlimited)

gay fantasy romance novel

Ok, this next gay fantasy romance series features fated mates, magical beings and a… magical hotel.

Hey, even monsters and fantastical beings need to go on vacation.

This series is… not as well developed as others in this list, but that’s because the books are much shorter. If you enjoy books that hit tropes and plot points, but don’t include a TON of world building and description, this is a fun series to read!

Also, to be clear, I am NOT criticizing the author here! There are different kinds of gay fantasy romance readers, and a good number of them like shorter books they can more easily read in a night or two! You go, Arden Steele! <3

  • 135 Pages
  • Cry-o-meter: No tears

Capture this gay romance novel here!

#14: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: Hidden Species Series by Louisa Masters (Kindle Unlimited)

gay fantasy romance novels

Ok, real talk, I debated whether to include this gay fantasy series as a gay fantasy ROMANCE series, because in this first book…. the slow burn takes FOREVER.

It’s really more of a gay urban fantasy novel than a gay fantasy ROMANCE novel, just saying.

BUT that said, other books in the series have more, er, fun and zest, if you know what I mean! I had fun reading this, but this first book (ft a human who discovers a sort of “Men in Black” agency of magical creatures and a DEMON) is a bit light on the romance.

  • 296 Pages
  • Cry-o-meter: No tears, def choked on my laughter so hard my eyes watered tho

See more deets about this gay romance novel here!

#15: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: White Trash Warlock by David R. Slayton

gay fantasy romance novels

When reading urban fantasy, I’ve learned to TREAD CAREFULLY, because these authors can just… RIP YOUR HEART OUT in the best way.

David R. Slayton is one of those authors. This book has a whole lot of gay ANGST, magic, not-so-nice and nice fairies, as well as engaging with social class and family dynamics. IT HURTS SO GOOD. If you’re someone who (like me) devoured Holly Black as a kid, then you’ll probs love this gay fantasy romance.

  • 322 Pages
  • Cry-o-meter: No tears, but this book is a glorious STEADY ACHE OF BROODING-TINGED SADNESS

Investigate this gay romance novel here!

#16: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: Paranormal & Fantasy Romances from Delaney Rain (Kindle Unlimited)

gay fantasy romance novels

I included this series on my monster romances roundup, and I’ve made sure to include it in THIS post because it’s so very fun.

Delaney Rain does a good job of adding angst and FEELINGS to her books, without making you feel like your heart and emotional wellbeing was dragged through a tunnel of barbed wire fencing and then stomped on, with glass shards added in.

Ahem, anyways!

This first book is VERY fun, and gives a sort of Good Omens vibe, if the characters were in the United States, and one of them worked for a paranormal TV show.

I realize that’s a stretch, but just trust me on this one, ok!?!?

  • 157 Pages
  • Cry-o-meter: No tears

Learn more about this gay romance novel here!

#17: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: Demon Magic Series by Alice Winters (Kindle Unlimited)

gay fantasy romance novels

Next up on my list of gay fantasy romance novels, we have Alice Winters, who is known for creating incorrigible characters who prance around in morally grey areas and are just so loveable.

This book features a demon and the mage he is bound to, the first in a 3-part series. Now, I’ll be honest about this book — I was less interested in the magical “We gotta save the world” plot than I was in the relationship dynamic between the two protagonists (no regrets), but this was a pretty well-developed urban fantasy story as well.

  • 256 Pages
  • Cry-o-meter: No tears

Grab this gay romance novel here!

#18: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: R’iyah Family Archives Series by AJ Sherwood (Kindle Unlimited)

gay fantasy romance  novels

Ok, next up we have “A Mage’s Guide to Human Familiars” by AJ Sherwood. Now, at this point in my listicle guide to gay fantasy romance novels, you may be like, “Bro, WE GET IT! You love AJ Sherwood!”

And, like, yes, I *DO* love AJ Sherwood, but I am also including so many of her gay fantasy romance books BECAUSEEEEE they are all so DIFFERENT.

Like her voice as an author is very strong, but the worlds she builds are just so stinking fun. Especially her modern worlds, like in this urban fantasy gay romance novel, that has a sort of interesting ~paranormal~ investigations bit. This book series kind of reminds me of the TV Show, Bones. (Angela and Hodgins FOREVER!)

  • 386 Pages
  • Cry-o-meter: No tears

Capture this gay romance novel here!

#19: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: Demon’s in the Details by Meghan Maslow (Kindle Unlimited)

gay fantasy romance novels

Ok friends! Now we get to a gay fantasy romance novel, that lives under the urban fantasy umbrella, with this book that has more ZEST and BITE.

While I do love a comedic gay fantasy, I also sometimes do want somethinig a bit more dark. Not in the horror genre, mind you (hard pass), but something where the characters are correct to be afraid of the beings that go bump in the night.

This series from Meghan Maslow is taking FOREVER to release (it’s ok, they’re worth it), and the first book in the series was such a delight, featuring a demon, shape shifter and a very fascinating modern-ish world they all live in. I really appreciated this series because I can tell that Maslow thought VERY hard about the social constructs, cultural values, etc, that would exist in a world with magical and paranormal beings.

  • 250 pages
  • Cry-o-meter: Like, 4 tears. Maybe. Def cried.

Capture this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#20: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: The Fantastic Fluke by Sam Burns (Kindle Unlimited)

gay fantasy romance novels

Say what you want, but I LURVEEEE the romance trope where the main character is just a bit oblivious. (This may or may not be because *I* am often super oblivious, lol.)

This book series from Sam Burns features magic, hot ghosts, family drama, and is a fun ride all the way through. TBH, I didn’t end up reading the following books in the series — they just didn’t capture my attention. I may go back and give them a second chance!

  • 288 Pages
  • Cry-o-meter: No tears

Read more about this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#21: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: My Boss is a Grumpy Werewolf by Jane Wallace Knight (Kindle Unlimited)

gay fantasy romance novels

Next up on this list of gay fantasy romance novels, we have this fun and short gay urban fantasy series featuring WEREWOLVES.

Featuring, again, a clueless protagonist and a gruff-grumpy-yet-gorgeous protagonist, you can usually tell where the plot is going to go – but you have a fun time getting there. I stopped reading around book 3 or 4 (I’d had my fill), but this fun gay werewolf series does continue!

  • 122 pages
  • Cry-o-meter: 0 tears!

Check out this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#22: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: The Tribulations of Ross Young, Supernatural PA by AJ Sherwood (Kindle Unlimited)

gay fantasy romance novels

LMAOOOO AJ SHERWOOD IS BACK, and I have no apologies. This book started out as a serial on AJ’s website (kind of like how authors of yore would publish a chapter a week in the newspaper), and this book incorporates so many funny tumblr memes and urban fantasy references, I love it.

In this gay fantasy romance novel, AJ Sherwood endeavors to answer the question, “Just how DO paranormal and fantastical creatures survive in modern times? With things like email? Storing their possessions from centuries past? How do the logistics work here, people?!”

  • 232 Pages
  • Cry-o-meter: No tears!

See more deets about this gay romance urban fantasy novel here!

#23: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: The Trouble with Trying to Date a Murderer by Jennifer Cody (Kindle Unlimited)

gay fantasy romance novels

This next gay fantasy romance novel is from Jennifer Cody, and features characters with different abilities in a casual “It’s just how things are” without making the disability THEE main point of the plot. That’s annoying. And prejudiced!

I wrote about this John Wick-inspired series in my roundup of monster romances, and I really love this series. In the following books after this first one, things get a BIT confusing with so many characters (I’m used to reading romances when I don’t have a lot of brain cells left at the end of the day), but the story is so fun it’s worth rallying for.

  • 186 Pages
  • Cry-o-meter: No tears!!

Investigate this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#24: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: The Lightning Struck Heart by TJ Klune

gay fantasy romance novels

Next up on my list of gay fantasy romance novels, TJ Klune is BACK (one of our fave gay novelists who is a New York Times bestseller!).

This gay fantasy romance has a whole BUNCH of yearning (like literally the whole book), so if you’re not into mages and knights YEARNING from afar, I’d skip this one, bestie!

  • 433 Pages
  • Cry-o-Meter: Some tears. A few. Like maybe 5? Def less than 15.

Grab this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#25: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: Jon’s Downright Ridiculous Shooting Case by AJ Sherwood (Kindle Unlimited)

gay fantasy romance novels

Maybe this listicle of gay fantasy romances should’ve just been titled “I <3 AJ Sherwood SOOOO MUCH,” but that wouldn’t have worked well for my SEO, frankly.

In this paranormal series featuring gay psychics and other scrumptious fellas, we get transported to a paranormal world.

Nooow SPOILER ALERT this series actually ends up being urban fantasy, as magic does exist in this world. But the reader doesn’t figure that out until later, SO, if you want a break from wizards and wands (sounds boring, but ok, I guess I shouldn’t judge?) then this is a great gay paranormal romance novel.

That turns into a gay urban fantasy romance novel. JUST SAYING! 😉

  • 306 Pages
  • Cry-o-meter: 0

Snag up this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#26: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: Mack’s Marvelous Manifestations by AJ Sherwood (Kindle Unlimited)

gay fantasy romance novels

Next up on my list, we have an AJ Sherwood gay fantasy romance novel that is *actually* in the same world as the one before, just with different characters.

And one of them is described as “chubby,” so you know my plus size heart loves this! Also, there are lots of references to Louisiana and Cajan culture, which is super fun. This romance has the same premise (ish) of the one above, featuring a psychic, adding in some ghosts, and, of course, scrumptious men. I think by book 2 we can move this series from gay paranormal romance to gay urban fantasy romance, but I’m not super obsessed with labels (pun intended).

  • 110 pages
  • Cry-o-meter: 0

Check out this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#27: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: The ABCs of Spellcraft by Jordan Castillo Price

gay fantasy romance novels

Ok, this next gay fantasy romance novel is actually first in a (pretty long) series of 14 books (!!), and it’s an urban fantasy gay romance novel. This book gets a place in the “2 hour romance reads” category on Amazon, which is super fun.

Featuring a magical system where magic happens when one WRITES it, with complicated (yet fun for the plot) rules, and a sort of… derision for magical practitioners that is very interesting.

Plus, you know, hot Russian henchman.

I first bought this gay fantasy romance whennnn it was on Kindle Unlimited, but, alas, now it is not!

  • 73 pages
  • Cry-o-meter: 0

Snag this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#28: Gay Fantasy Romance Novels: Offbeat Crimes by Angel Martinez

Gay Fantasy Romance Novels - Offbeat Crimes

Whew! Ok, if you’re a fan of more light hearted or less angsty gay fantasy romances, you may like this series from Angel Martinez. I actually learned about her books in the AJ Sherwood fan Facebook group. (Side note: If you love a specific author a LOT, check to see if they have an active Facebook GROUP — not a Facebook page. People will share similar authors or books they like, which has been super helpful for me when navigating the hundreds or thousands of gay fantasy romance novels available on Amazon!)

I, real talk, am getting kind of tired… that is to say, I’m over the proliferation of cops and police officers in fantasy books. I get that a police station and solving crimes can be a great way to move a plot forward, but ehhhhhhhhhhhhh.

BUT, I did enjoy the Endangered Fae series by Angel Martinez, packed with some fierce LGBT heroes (and a few heroines) who are super capable, a bit scary and also wholly formed characters. The gist of this book is that the police officers go around solving crimes, but they all have slightly “defective” powers.

This gay fantasy romance novel falls under the “urban fantasy” category (woooooo) and is a fun read, combining yearning, angst with some really fun and lighthearted comedic moments. Martinez has managed to pull at my heartstrings while ALSO making me cackle in delight.

  • 123 pages

Shop this gay fantasy romance here.

#29: Gay Fantasy Romance Novel: Lords of Discord Series by Jocelynn Drake

Gay Fantasy Romance Novel - Claiming Marcus

This romance series (featuring VAMPIRES) kind of followed me around Kinde Unlimited. I’m not gonna lie, I was kind of put off by the covers. But, then I decided to give it a go when I was looking up gay vampire romances — and I’m so glad I did.

This is a great easy and fun-to-read series, with the “band of brothers” trope. Drake does a great job of creating different characters with very different motivations! This series features rich vampires, family antics and some political machinations.

  • 352 pages

Check out this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#30: Gay Fantasy Romance Series: Necromancer Series – Princes of Mayhem Series by Jocelynn Drake

Gay Fantasy Romance Novels - How the Necromancer in the gold vest

Ok, so I love the romance series trope where a character (the necromancer) openly hits on a slightly befuddled person, and that’s what’s inside this gay fantasy romance series (4 books so far)! I actually read (and enjoyed) this series tremendously when I was taking 2 flights to get to Los Angeles. I finished the first book in the series just as I was touching down, which was a relief so I could hurriedly download the next two to my KU!

This gay fantasy romance series has cracky, fun and zany humor, with some dark themes and moments. You’ll probably want to read the Lords of Discord series (#29 on my list), but I didn’t, and I was ok! (This series actually led me to get over myself and give Lords of Discord a chance)! The tone between the series is pretty different, and I love when an author does that!

  • 112 pages

Check out this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#31: Gay Fantasy Romance Series: Magic that Binds by AJ Sherwood

Gay Fantasy Romance Novels - The Magic That Binds

Ok, as you can tell I am a hardcore AJ Sherwood fangirl! I waited for MONTHS for this book to come out, and honestly, it was a much slower burn than I expected! Featuring a polyamorous triad with very different (and very cute) characters, AJ Sherwood fleshes out a new world with her readers, where politics and magic really intertwine. It was a fantastic read, but didn’t scratch the itch, lol. Waiting on book #2 in the series now!

  • 411 pages

Check out this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#32: Gay Fantasy Romance Series MM: Starfig Investigations by Megan Maslow (Series)

Gay Fantasy Romance Novels - By Fairy Means or Foul

Ok, not gonna lie on this one friends! The cover featuring a magical sort of Fabio caught my attention with this one, lol. If you also grew up as a Dianna Wynn Jones fan, you’ll probably have fun reading this series.

It takes place in a very well-developed world, with unicorns, fairies, dragons and witches! Be careful with the trigger warnings on this one, my doves! <3

  • 256 pages

Check out this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#33: Gay Fantasy Romance Book Series: Beyond the Veil Series by KM Avery

Gay Fantasy Romance Novels - The Ghost in the Hall

Ok, SO! This series of 6 books so far has a gritty urban fantasy vibe which I ADORE (my list of my fave urban fantasy books with women who kick butt HERE), and interestingly enough the series is told through the perspective of 3 different MCs. Books 1-3 are the same couple (necromancer x orc), then they switch to books 4-6 for another (elf x shifter). Featuring a world with magic as well as a sickness that turns some people into creatures, this gritty romance-fantasy-mystery series is a great series for the Ilona Andrews lovers out there.

  • 472 pages

Check out this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#34: Gay Fantasy Romance Book: Lore & Lust by Karla Nicole

Gay Fantasy Romance Novels - Lore & Lust

Ok, so as a queermo, there are some gay fantasy romance books that are QUEER and some that are GAY. Queer romance books engage a lot more in the politics of desire, and this book is a GORGEOUS example of that. Heads up, this book made me BAWL my eyeballs out – in a great way!

Description: “Haruka is alive, but not quite living. Surviving but not thriving. As an elite purebred vampire in the twenty-first century, he is broken. Content in his subpar existence.

He is done with life. But life is not finished with him.

When he receives a formal request to oversee an antiquated vampire ritual at Hertsmonceux Castle, Haruka grudgingly leaves his home to meet another purebred. The vampire is not what he expects. Truly, he is unlike any vampire Haruka has ever encountered: cautious, innocent and with the warmth and gravitational pull of the sun.”

  • 284 pages

Check out this gay fantasy romance novel here!

My TBR Pile – Gay Fantasy Romance

Below, I’ve shared the books that are hanging out on my “TBR” or “To Be Read” pile!

#35: Gay Fantasy Romance: Master of One by Jaida Jones and Dani Bennett

Gay Fantasy Romance Novels - Master of One

Ok, real talk I have avoided this book because I just know it is going to gloriously tear into my being, and I can’t handle that atm! BUT, it’s on my TBR!!! It’s giving Holly Black and Charles de Lint vibes, on this side of the cover!

Description: “Sinister sorcery. Gallows humor. A queer romance so glorious it could be right out of fae legend itself. Master of One is a fantasy unlike any other.”

  • 544 pages

Check out this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#36: Gay Fantasy Romance Cair: MM Paranormal Romance by Eryn Hawk

Gay Fantasy Romance Novels - Cair

Ok, this is yet ANOTHER fantasy gay romance I know is going to emotionally destroy me in the best way.

Description: “It features a lovable human trying to find his place in the supernatural world, and a secretive Fae who’s not as detached as he pretends to be.”

  • 404 pages

Check out this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#37: The Wolf at the Door by Charlie Adhara

Gay Fantasy romance Novels - The Wolf at the Door

Description: An ex-FBI agent is partnered with the enemy in this suspenseful first installment of Charlie Adhara’s Big Bad Wolf series

  • 252 pages

Check out this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#38: Transmogrify!: 14 Fantastical Tales of Trans Magic Edited By G. Haron Davis 

Gay Fantasy Romance Novels - Transmogrify

Description: “Perfect for fans of All Out and Cemetery Boys, this anthology claims a seat at the table of fantasy literature for trans and gender nonconforming stories.

Transness is as varied and colorful as magic can be. In Transmogrify!, you’ll embark on fourteen different adventures alongside unforgettable characters who embody many different genders and expressions and experiences—because magic is for everyone, and that is cause for celebration.”

  • 331 pages

Check out this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#39: The Witch King by H.E. Edgmon 

Gay Fantasy Romance Novels - The Witch King

I’m not 100% sure if this book qualifies for this post (?), but I wanted to be sure to include it as an option until I know for sure!

Description: “To save a fae kingdom, a trans witch must face his traumatic past and the royal fiancé he left behind. This debut YA fantasy will leave you spellbound.”

  • 373 pages

Check out this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#40: Gay Fantasy Romance Novel: Sparks Fly by Birdie Lynn

Gay Fantasy Romance Novels - Sparks Fly

Ok, I’m not gonna lie – the cover of this gay fantasy romance novel GOT ME!

Description: “Arthur Pham didn’t expect to spend his final year at the Stonebury Conservatory for Young Mages dating his archnemesis—fake dating, that is.”

  • 345 pages

Check out this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#41: Out of the Blue by Jason June 

Gay Fantasy Romance Novels - Out of the Blue

Description: “Crest is not excited to be on their Journey: the month-long sojourn on land all teen merfolk must undergo. The rules are simple: Help a human within one moon cycle and return to Pacifica to become an Elder—or fail and remain stuck on land forever. Crest is eager to get their Journey over and done with. Humans are disgusting. They’ve polluted the planet so much that there’s a floating island of trash that’s literally the size of a country.”

  • 377 pages

Check out this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#42: So This is Ever After by F. T. Lukens

Gay Fantasy Romance Novels - So This Is Ever After

From the description: “Carry On meets Arthurian legend in this subversive, “delightfully original and whimsical” (Kirkus Reviews) young adult fantasy about what happens after the chosen one wins the kingdom and has to get married to keep it…and to stay alive.”

  • 351 pages

Check out this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#43: Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

Gay Fantasy Romance Novels - Carry On

Description: “Carry On is a ghost story, a love story and a mystery. It has just as much kissing and talking as you’d expect from a Rainbow Rowell story – but far, far more monsters.”

  • 529 pages

Check out this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#44: Spellhacker by M.K. England

Gay Fantasy Romance Novels - Spell Hacker

Description: “In Kyrkarta, magic—known as maz—was once a freely available natural resource. Then an earthquake released a magical plague, killing thousands and opening the door for a greedy corporation to make maz a commodity that’s tightly controlled—and, of course, outrageously expensive. Which is why Diz and her three best friends run a highly lucrative, highly illegal maz siphoning gig on the side. Their next job is supposed to be their last heist ever. But when their plan turns up a powerful new strain of maz that (literally) blows up in their faces, they’re driven to unravel a conspiracy at the very center of the spellplague—and possibly save the world.”

  • 416 pages

Check out this gay fantasy romance novel here!

#45: Reforged by Seth Haddon

Gay Fantasy Romance Novels - Reforged

Description: “To save themselves and their nation they will have to put aside their past and reforge that trust they lost so long ago. Can a vicious assassination and a plot to usurp the king bring a second chance at love?”

  • 388 pages

Check out this gay fantasy romance novel here!

This post was all about gay fantasy romance novels.

gay fantasy romance novels

What to read next —>

I hope you enjoyed my guide to gay fantasy romances! I love reading these kinds of books, and I’ve shared a few other book guides (lots of romance, lol) I’ve written below:

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