20 BEST Gay Vampire Romance Novels for MM Fans | What to Read in 2023!

gay vampire romance novels

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On today’s blog post, I’m sharing 11 of my favorite gay vampire romance novels for fans of MM romance. I fell down this rabbit hole a few years ago (ahem), and finding new authors — especially on Kindle Unlimited can be a bit of a challenge!

Heads up, I first published my guide on March 25, 2023. I was last updated on August 29, 2023!

This blog post is all about gay vampire romance.

gay vampire romance novels

Gay Vampire Romance

One day soon, I hope I can do a roundup post for other types of LGBT vampire romance novels, but I’m having trouble finding a diversity of options. If you know of any, please shoot me a message here!

When it comes to reading or finding gay vampire romance novels, I have a few tips I’d like to share with you to make your journey a bit easier:

  1. Tip #1: Join Romance Author Mailing Lists: If you find an mm vampire romance author you LOVE, I definitely recommend joining their email list! Authors frequently give “shoutouts” to other authors with a similar kind of reader, so this can be a great way to find new books!
  2. Tip #2: Join Author Facebook Groups for Readers: Indie authors often have a Facebook group for fans and readers they run. You can get recs from the author or other fans in the group for similar books to read.
  3. Tip #3: Pay Attention to Recs on Kindle Unlimited: All hail, the mighty algorithm! No, jokes jokes (kind of)! Seriously though, the recommended titles that pop up UNDER a helpful title on Kindle Unlimited can be super useful!

Speaking of Kindle Unlimited…..

business and career coach brianne huntsman
Hey, friend! Welcome to my blog! I’m a plus size LGBT lifestyle blogger, and I loveee romance novels! Hence writing this post, lol. My whole blog is NOT dedicated to romance novels, but I have a fair number of roundups (see the end of this post).

If you have questions or suggestions for additions to this post, feel free to email me or send me a DM on Instagram!

The Huntswoman

Gay Vampire Romances on Kindle Unlimited

Listen, if you plan on snagging more than a few of the monster romances in my listicle, then you NEED Kindle Unlimited. If you’re anything like me, then you read a TON of books. I have been known to polish off a monster romance or five in one night!! Kindle Unlimited is CLUTCH because it works similar to Netflix. You pay a subscription fee of around $15 per month for Kindle Unlimited, and get access to UNLIMITED books.

Well, the millions of books that are on the Kindle Unlimited platform, anyways.

This is also great, because authors get paid through Kindle Unlimited (KU), earning a set amount of money per page, generally.

And, because I’m such a fan, I’ve been sure to note what gay vampire romances are available on KU in the description. Some authors change things up though, so be sure to click on the link to double check if the book is on KU. (It’ll usually have a little banner across the top.)


Ok, without further ado – let’s get into discussing vampire gay romances!!

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#1 Vampire MM Romance: Only One Coffin || Available on Kindle Unlimited

Some vampire romance novels are dark and broody and some are more fun and campy — and this book by A.J. Truman definitely falls into the “camp” category, lol. It was very fun, tugged at my heartstrings and was enjoyable to read.

My Brief Synopsis: Grumpy centuries old vampire meets hot surfer bro who was recently turned into a vampire. And, oh no!! There’s only one bed! Mwahahahaha!!!!

  • Number of Pages: 180 Pages

Shop this mm vampire romance here!

Vampire MM Romance

#2 Gay Vampire Romance: The Tribulations of Ross Young, Supernat PA by AJ Sherwood || Available on Kindle Unlimited

Real talk mon ami, AJ Sherwood has such a CHOKEHOLD on my media consumption that I wrote a whole book about where to find books similar to Aj Sherwood’s books.

I’m a fangirl, what can I say! 😀

My Brief Synopsis: Ok, so what IF supernaturals existed — and humans are so unaware that the supernats just do normal things. Like go to their neighborhood gas station. Where a cool human works as a cashier and catches the eye of the local vampire leader-due-hottie, who is in need of a personal assistant? The dry humor is impeccable in this book, and it’s got fun urban fantasy vibes!

  • Number of Pages: 231 Pages

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Gay Vampire Romance

#3 Gay Vampire Romance: Locke & Key by Megan Derr

Megan Derr is an LGBT author who REALLY knows how to stab you in the emotional heart in a DELICIOUS way. If you love the “Black Point” (the saddest part of a romance) then Megan is the author for you!

My Brief Synopsis: This book is a set of 3 short stories featuring gay vampires, from a vampire hunter to a vampire’s housekeeper. Very fun, lots of great angst, etc etc.

Alsoooo, Megan Derr writes other epic fantasy books that have a very diverse set of characters with varying identities (including ace, graysexual, trans, non-binary, etc), so def check out her author page HERE! Megan also “publishes wide,” meaning her books can be found on all sorts of platforms, including Google Books, Barnes & Noble Nook, Bookpub, Amazon, etc.

  • Number of Pages: 95 Pages

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Gay Vampire Romance

#4 Vampire MM Romance: “Bite Me” by Fae Quin || Available on Kindle Unlimited

This next vampire MM romance is the MOST recent romance novel I’ve read (I literally finished it this morning, and I knew I *had* to add it to my guide to vampire romance novels!)

My Brief Synopsis: Abused short spitfire runs away to his hometown, finds hot vampire with no social skills. The angst is [understandably] prettyyyyy high on this one (especially in the early chapters!!) and the cover art is BEAUTIFUL. If you like “short spitfire x hot awkward dude” (I know I do!!), complete with younger brothers and small town dynamics, then this is a super fun gay vampire romance on Kindle Unlimited.

Check out this vampire mm romance here!

Vampire MM Romance

#5 Vampire MM Romance: Vampires Mate Series by Grae Bryan || Available on Kindle Unlimited

Ok, I think Grae Bryan is a GENIUS when it comes to writing gay vampire romance novels. Grae does SUCH a good job of incorporating DELICIOUS yearning without 100% totally emotionally wrecking her readers. And I appreciate that!

My Brief Synopsis: This series features 3 different vampires who end up in Colorado, with various connections. Bryan does an EXCELLENT job of building out different characters with different emotions, motivations, etc, skipping over the typical stereotypes found in vampire romance novels (the first book is the most typical, I think, and it only gets better from there)! If you enjoy books that effortlessly weave together a cast of characters (“band of brothers” trope), then this is a great MM vampire series for you!

  • Number of Pages: 263 Pages

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Vampire MM Romance

#6 Gay Vampire Romance: Vampire with Benefits by E.J. Russell

E.J. Russsell is a romance author who does a good job of straddling the line between campy and fun romance, while also adding some ANGST into the mix.

My Brief Synopsis: This book features a couple who end up with each other via supernatural marriage matching agency. What a time!

  • Number of Pages: 268 Pages

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Gay Vampire Romance

#7 Vampire MM Romance: How to Vex a Vampire by Alice Winters

Ok, honestlyyy on my end, this book followed me around in my Amazon Kindle recommendations for MONTHS! So annoying! I thought it would be more ~dark and moody and gritty~ type of vibe, which I don’t love.

It does have some dark and gritty parts (and a moody sexy vampire), but also is very fun with some hijinx!

  • Number of Pages: 342 Pages

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Vampire MM Romance

#8 Gay Vampire Romance: One Bite with a Vampire: Hidden Species Novel by Louisa Masters

I love the trope of TWO grumpy characters in a romance, who are grumpy in different ways!

My Brief Synopsis: Two characters working for the equivalent of the magical FBI, who fall for eachother with a May/December situation!

  • Number of Pages: 294 Pages

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Gay Vampire Romance

#9 Vampire MM Romance: How to Keep an Author (Alive) by AJ Sherwood

This gay vampire romance turns the “secretary” romance trope and turns it on its head, with a vampire housekeeper and rather forgetful human employer, who is a fulltime author. It’s really a soft and lovely read!

  • Number of Pages: 49 Pages

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Gay Vampire Romance

#10 Gay Vampire Romance: The Vampire’s Touch

Tired of my contemporary vampire recs with hijinks and fun?! WANT SOME BROODING VIOLENT VAMPIRE ANGST?!?!?!?! Well, alright darling! Here you go! :*

  • Number of Pages: 117 Pages

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Gay Vampire Romance

#11 Vampire MM Romance: Sleep of Eternity by Stella Rainbow

This vampire romance was lovely because it engages with different sexualities outside of gay/straight (I don’t want to give it away)! Snuggly with some angst.

  • Number of Pages: 238 Pages

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Vampire MM Romance

#12 Gay Vampire Romance: Handsome Death by Sara Dobie Bauer

Want a gay vampire romance who is a bit like Edward Cullen brooding outside of a window?! Full of behavior we’d NEVER accept IRL, but love to snuggle down and read?

Then I think THIS is the gay vampire romance for you!!!

  • Number of Pages: 208 Pages

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Gay Vampire Romance

#13 Gay Vampire Romance: Lords of Discord by Jocelynn Drake

Ok, not gonna lie — I avoided this series for a WHILE because I hated the covers. I’m basic, I’m not sorry!

But, now that I’ve read this series (inspired to do so by first reading #30 in this roundup of gay fantasy romance novels), I’m a fan! This series uses the “band of brothers” trope and each book is very unique with personalities and playing with fantasy/paranormal tropes!

  • Number of Pages: 352 Pages

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Gay Vampire Romance - Claiming Marcus

#14 Gay Vampire Romance: Guides for Dating Vampires Series by D.N. Bryn

Ok, I enjoyed this gay vampire romance series, but it IS pretty dark, heads up. Vampires exist, scientists are experimenting on them — it’s a whole thing, with parallels to how LGBTQ+ people are treated in society.

  • Number of Pages: 396 Pages

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Gay Vampire Romance - How to Bite Your Neighbor

#15 Gay Vampire Romance: Lore and Lust by Karla Nikole

WHEW! Ok, this book is JUST as beautiful as the cover, which I lovefor us. Set in a society that knows about the existence of vampires, this book is gorgeous and I def sobbed during it, so heads up!

  • Number of Pages: 284 Pages

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<<M, please add image, ALT text and make image clickable. Link: https://amzn.to/3PgHFyz

#16 Gay Vampire Romance: Friends of the Incubus Mate by Delaney Rain

OK SO! This gay vampire romance is very fun and cute, but it’s one story of several in this anthology! Featuring a vampire who is in need of a dentist.

  • Number of Pages: 128 Pages (multiple stories in here, only 1 gay vampire MM romance, fyi!)

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<<M, please add image, ALT text and make image clickable. Link: https://amzn.to/3sBf7ak >>

Gay Vampire Romance - Friends of Incubus Mate

TBR: Gay Vampire Romance Novels

Ok, that was a pretty good list of gay vampire romance novels I’ve read, and now I’d like to share a few more options on my TBR (To Be Read) list!

#17 Gay Vampire Romance: Ever Dark: The Vampire King Awakens

Description: “Vampires are real. At least that’s what Julian Harrow and Christian Thorne are trying to prove with their YouTube show. But as they uncover the truth, the beautiful, seductive monsters they seek, are also seeking them.”

  • Number of Pages: 406 Pages

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Gay Vampire Romance - Everdark

#18 Gay Vampire Romance: Hemovore by Jordan Castillo Price

Description: “Mark Hansen thought working as artist’s assistant would be glamorous, especially if that artist was a vampire. Black tie events, witty repartee, gracing the pages of the local style section…. Didn’t happen. Not even once.”

  • Number of Pages: 271 Pages

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Gay Vampire Romance - Hemovore

#19 Gay Vampire Romance: Sanguine by Sierra Simone

Description: “Bastien is a vampire on vacation, and like any other vampire on vacation, all he wants to do is sleep all day and drink lots of wine. (And maybe some blood too. You know. If the opportunity arises.) Which makes it very irritating when a vampire-hunting priest wakes him up at a super bright and sunny hour to kill him. But this vampire hunter happens to be very handsome . . .”

  • Number of Pages: 59 Pages

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Gay Vampire Romance - Sanguine

#20 Gay Vampire Romance: The Vampire’s Club by X Aratare

Description: “Find the Wolf. What is that supposed to mean? Those are the words Lucas Daniels hears before stumbling through the brass doors of the elegant Club Dyavol, a club that seems to appear out of nowhere. The club is his last hope of getting a job to escape his predatory stepfather’s home.”

  • Number of Pages: 74 Pages

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Gay Vampire Romance

What to Read Next —>

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