14+ Similar Books to Read if You Love AJ Sherwood | What to Read After AJ Sherwood

books similar to AJ Sherwood

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Today on the blog, I’m sharing 13 similar books to read if you LOVE AJ Sherwood. I’ve been a fan of her books for a few years now, and she is prolific AF! Seriously she has SO MANY BOOKS.

I love it here.

But, if you’re anything like me, then you are a bit, shall we say, RAVENOUS when it comes books — so you may have decimated AJ Sherwood’s backlist, and be looking for books similar to AJ Sherwood.

I got you, bestie!

This blog post is all about similar books to AJ Sherwood.

books similar to AJ Sherwood

Similar Books to AJ Sherwood

Because AJ Sherwood is so prolific, she has a lot of books and series — so I wasn’t SUPER sure how to structure my personal recommendations, initially.

In my experience, people may like a specific series from an author — but not be super jazzed about other series. If you’re googling “Similar Books to AJ Sherwood,” then you’re probably looking for books similar to a specific series. Like you may love the world of “Fourth Point of Contact” but you might not be super into, say dragons (can’t relate) or psychic cutie tw!nks solving mysteries (lol).

SOOOO, seeing that I’ve put together a listicle at the end of this blog post (one day I’ll figure out a table), where I sort the recs by series. That way, if you love a series, you can just go to those specific recs.

If, however, you’re like me and WANT IT ALL TYSM, then just start from the top and work your way down.

Happy reading, bestie!

business and career coach brianne huntsman
Hi, I’m Brianne Huntsman AKA “The Huntswoman”! I’m a big fan of monster romance novels, and I’m also a plus size lifestyle blogger. I hope you enjoy my roundup guide to books similar to AJ Sherwood today, and if you have any suggestions or additions, feel free to contact me via email or send me a DM on Instagram!

#1 Similar Books to AJ Sherwood: The Case Files of Henry Davenforth

Ok, SO FIRST THINGS FIRST when it comes to similar books to AJ Sherwood, we’re going to start with this series by Honor Raconteur (such a good name). Reason being, THIS IS AJ’S SUPER POPULAR PEN NAME. It features pacing and structure pretty similar to Jon’s Mysteries by AJ Sherwood, featuring an FBI agent who is pulled into another world. A world that is pretty Victorian in values, but with MAGIC. (And not very much science, ahem.)

It has a sort of grumpy/sunshine dynamic, is slow burn, and ALSOOO —

is a m/f clean romance. If you don’t know what that means, it means these books are a big hit with the Christian crowd (hi cuties), as well as other folks who don’t like a whole lot of, smutty stuff in their books. Ok, technically romance doesn’t drive the plot, but it’s there and cute AF. This is a more steampunk situation. If you love Gail Carriger, then I think you’ll love this series.

And, while I don’t gravitate to “clean” books (even using that term is kind of problematic, but here we are!), this 8 book series is SUPER fun, features very competent and smart women, HAS FANTASTIC world building, and overall, I think this is a lovely cozy series.

Oh and BTW — if you’re looking for more fantasy books with a rad female lead, then you should def check out my listicle on the Top 24 Urban Fantasy Series ft Women Who Kick Butt!

  • Pages: 327 pages

Read this similar book to AJ Sherwood here!

Similar Books to AJ Sherwood

#2 Similar Books to AJ Sherwood: “Tales of The High Court” Series by Megan Derr

The next rec on my guide to similar books to AJ Sherwood is the “Tales of The High Court” series by Megan Derr. Because most of Derr’s books are not on Kindle Unlimited (I include other places to get her books besides Amazon, below), it took me a while to find this m/m fantasy author, who also really does an excellent job of including characters from underrepresented groups in the LGBTQ+ community, for example aromantic and asexual folks.

BUT THIS SERIES is pretty similar to the Fourth Point of Contact series by AJ Sherwood. Think historical fiction, hot men running around in suits of armor, cultural clashes, etc. The world building here is really excellent, andI can see a lot of Tamora Pierce and Dungeons and Dragons fans loving this series.

  • Pages: 407 pages

Megan Derr also has QUITE the backlist (I shared a few of my other Megan Derr faves in my Gay Fantasy Romance roundup HERE), so if you’re looking for a new author with a backlist that’ll keep you BUSY, then head on over!

Read this similar book to AJ Sherwood here!

Similar Books to AJ Sherwood

#3 Similar Books to AJ Sherwood: Murder Sprees and Mute Decrees by Jennifer Cody

Ok, this next book series that’s similar to AJ Sherwood is bit more gorey and DELIGHTFUL. This series is a great rec for folks who love the Ross Young series (sassy assistants FTW), as well as Jon’s Mysteries.

This book by Jennifer Cody was a big hit in 2022, (I loved it!) and it features a mute protagonist who ends up in a sort of combination Good Omens ++ John Wick universe. It really has a good amount of British-scifi-fantasy humor (lots of poking fun at processes and procedures) and is just good fun. How the series interacts with gender identity, polyamory, etc, is also quite fun!

  • Pages: 188 pages

Read this similar book to AJ Sherwood here!

Similar Books to AJ Sherwood

#4 Similar Books to AJ Sherwood: “The Hitman’s Guide to Making Friends and Finding Love” by Alice Winters

Next up on my personal recs for books that are similar to AJ Sherwood, we have this series by Alice Winters. A lot of AJ Sherwoood’s fans in her FB Group also love Alice Winters, and thankfully these authors are pretty prolific.

This book series is a great pick for people who love characters like Wicky and Nico from A Mage’s Guide to Human Familiars, Ravi from Scale N’ Spells or Ivan from Unholy Trifecta. If you love adorable chaos muppets, you def want to read this series. This features a mischievous assassin-hitman-chaos-muppet and a pretty straightlaced PI. We love a grumpy/sunshine romance!!

  • Pages: 375 pages

Read this similar book to AJ Sherwood here!

Similar Books to AJ Sherwood

#5 Similar Books to AJ Sherwood: “Ghostly Guardians” Series by Louisa Masters

Ok, so my next recommendation for people who are trying to figure out what to read after AJ Sherwood is this series by Louisa Masters. You know how in the crossover to Mack’s world from Jon’s Mysteries they go to a haunted hotel?

This series has a similar premise, and it all takes place at a haunted inn. The world building here is very fun, the ghosts sassy and the men… smoldering. ahem.

  • Pages: 264 pages

Read this similar book to AJ Sherwood here!

Similar Books to AJ Sherwood

#6 Similar Books to AJ Sherwood: Demon Magic Series by Alice Winters

Okayyyyy! This recommendation for AJ Sherwood fans is another rec for the chaos-muppets fans (Wicky and Nico from A Mage’s Guide to Human Familiars, Ravi from Scale N’ Spells or Ivan from Unholy Trifecta), as well as readers who love rooting for a villain (it me).

This series features a sassy mage, and his chaotic-and-kind-of-evil demon, set in the modern world. Of all the books so far, it deals with the most heavy stuff, so be sure to read the CWs before diving in, bestie! Take care of yourself!

  • Pages: 256 pages

Read this similar book to AJ Sherwood here!

Similar Books to AJ Sherwood

#7 Similar Books to AJ Sherwood: “Wriggle & Sparkle: The Collected Tales of a Kraken and a Unicorn” by Megan Derr

Ok, my next book recommendations for people trying to find books similar to AJ Sherwood is Wriggle & Sparkle from Megan Derr. For a while there, this book kept popping up in my Kindle Unlimited recommendations (all hail the mighty algorithm!!), and I did NOT get why it kept popping up. Eventually, I gave in (it’s not on Kindle Unlimited, but worth the purchase), and THIS BOOK IS SO FUN!

Instead of a grumpy/sunshine romance vibe (can you tell I love a grumpy/sunshine romance), it’s more like the main characters take turns being grumpy. This book has a bit more BITE than the other books thus far (probs most similar to Jennifer Cody), and this is a great rec for Unholy Trifecta fans and Ross Young fans. Also everyone else!

This books is also a bit more LONG than the other ones in this roundup. It’s almost like 2 or 3 books in 1 (hence the “Collected Tales” in the title).

  • Pages: 441 pages

Read this similar book to AJ Sherwood here!

Similar Books to AJ Sherwood

#8 Similar Books to AJ Sherwood: “Hidden Species” Series by Louisa Master

Ok, this next series (that’s a great recommendation on what to read after you’ve decimated AJ Sherwood’s backlist) is probably how I landing in this whole paranormal/fantasy m/m romance space. The cover really got me (I love a good cover), and this series is LONG with multiple (? I think more than one?) spinoff series.

So speedy readers, rejoice! A juicy backlist awaiting your plucking fingertips!

Ok, that snarky reworking of a metaphor didn’t totally work, but whatever.

This series is one of those the-supernatural-creatures-are-among-us book worlds, starting off with a cute human twink and a demon. >:] It then whinds its way through other characters in a sort of “band of brothers” type series arc. Thennn jumps off into other clans of creatures. So fun!

This book series is great for the Ross Young crowd, Jon’s Mysteries and the people who loved the Unholy Trifecta crossover with Ross’s world. Also probs the Scales N’ Spells crowd.

  • Pages: 296 pages

Read this similar book to AJ Sherwood here!

Similar Books to AJ Sherwood

#9 Similar Books to AJ Sherwood: How to Vex a Vampire Series by Alice Winters

Ok, so fun fact: One of my fave AJ Sherwood books is actually the short novel (novella?), How to Keep an Author Alive. In addition to being a HARDCORE grumpy/sunshine fangirl, I also loveeee the whole brilliant-but-kind-of-scattered protagonist. Not.. ditzy. Just, you know, probs has buckets of ADHD and other neurodiverse happenings.

If you loved this AJ Sherwood book as well, then I really you’d enjoy How to Vex a Vampire by Alice Winters, featuring a twinky twinky human and a brooding older vampire. :]

  • Pages: 342 pages

Read this similar book to AJ Sherwood here!

Similar Books to AJ Sherwood

#10 Similar Books to AJ Sherwood: Treasure for Treasure by R Cooper

OKAY PEOPLE! Watch out for your heartstrings on this one! I def cried (P.S. in my listicle on gay fantasy romances, I include a cry-o-meter, so folks know how much angst they’re signing up for). This book features a grumpy-brooding-artist-barrista and a dragon in a small town. It’s gorgeous, the yearning is EXCELLENT, and there’s a good amount of SNARK.

If you love Ari and Sho from Unholy Trifecta, along with any AJ Sherwood characters who are afraid to love (cough Jon), then this is a really lovely m/m paranormal fantasy.

  • Pages: 268 pages

Read this similar book to AJ Sherwood here!

Similar Books to AJ Sherwood

#11 Similar Books to AJ Sherwood: A Suitable Consort by R Cooper

My Four Points of Contact fans! Did you think I had forgotten about you?! Of course not! I just got distracted by all of the chaos muppet options, ahem.

ENTYWAYS, this book is really similar to Four Points of Contact by AJ SHerwood, aaand (even BETTER) it features polyamory. Featuring, once again, a twinky-cute-kind-of-nerd and big actually-friendly-but sometimes-brooding men (h/t to Jon’s Mysteries) if you love AJ Sherwood, I’m pretty sure you’d love this book!

Note: This book is NOT on Kindle Unlimited, but def worth the purchase, imho. It got a little slow (too much yearning) in the middle, so I unapologetically skimmed over that section. Also, for a hot second I thought that R. Cooper was a pen name for Megan Derr (love to wear a tinfoil hat when it comes to gay fantasy indie publishing), but alas, I don’t think my theory holds water!

  • Pages: 140 pages

Read this similar book to AJ Sherwood here!

Similar Books to AJ Sherwood

#12 Similar Books to AJ Sherwood: Fae Out of Water Series by E. J. Russell

Ok, I’m adding “falls in love with their secretary” to my tropes list, because I realized there’s a lot of assistants and helpful cuties running around this here listicle!

This series is more high-fantasy-beings-walk among us. If you love Ross and my beloved Justus (vampire who keeps a writer alive), you’ll probs adore the first book in the series. The series then takes a “Band of Brothers” turn and beebops around different characters. Some of those books I loved, others not so much.

This series has a bit more angst and bite than Spells N’ Scales, imho, but if you love AJ’s dragons — you may love this series!

  • Pages: 266 pages

Read this similar book to AJ Sherwood here!

Similar Books to AJ Sherwood

#13 Similar Books to AJ Sherwood: “The Demon’s Mate” by Delaney Rain

Ok, so I was scrolling through my ~Reading Insights~ on the Kindle mobile app, and I remembered this book! It was funny, features a grumpy/sunshine dynamic and has DEMONS. If you really love the suave-AF characters from AJ (Ivan from Unholy Trifecta comes to mind), then I think you’d enjoy this book, as well as the book “The Dragon’s Mate” by Delaney Rain.

  • Pages: 157 pages

Read this similar book to AJ Sherwood here!

Similar Books to AJ Sherwood

#14 Similar Books to AJ Sherwood: “Fantastic Fluke” by Sam Burns

Next up, we have a sort of paranormal investigation series from Sam Burns, ft a main character who is NOT in law enforcement — he’s a bookstore owner. This is a fun and pretty sweet book for AJ Sherwood fans, and if you love to cuddle down in a bunch of blankets and read books — then THIS is a great one!

  • Pages: 288 Pages

Read this similar book to AJ Sherwood here!

Similar Books to AJ Sherwood

#15 Similar Books to AJ Sherwood: It’s Not Unusual to Be Loved by an Alien by Chloe Archer

This last book (for now!) that’s similar to AJ Sherwood’s books is a bit of a surprise addition! I was driving around and running errands, and then I was like, “OMG! That tentacle book!”

with Doctor Who and Star Trek references would be perfect for AJ Sherwood fans.

Something that AJ Sherwood’s fans love (I think) is that AJ references pop culture in a fun way in her books. Chloe Archer has a similar vibe in this series set in Las Vegas, where a scifi nerd goes from believing in aliens to… well, you’ll have to read it to find it. 🙂

And, of course, being me this is YET ANOTHER gay grumpy/sunshine scifi alien romance. Because of who I am as a person. No SHAMEEEE!

Shop this similar book to AJ Sherwood here!

Similar Books to AJ Sherwood

This blog post was all about similar books to AJ Sherwood.

Super Specific AJ Sherwood Reading Guide

Ok, I’m going to be playing around with this kind of setup/formatting, but below I’ve shared my personal book recs based on AJ Sherwood’s series or standalones!

If you love Fourth Point of Contact by AJ Sherwood, then I recommend:

If you love Jon’s Mysteries (and related novels from Mack, et al), then I recommend:

If you love the Ross Young Series by AJ Sherwood, then I recommend:

If you love Unholy Trifecta by AJ Sherwood, then I recommend:

If you love Ri’yah Family Archives, then I recommend:

If you love How I Stole the Princess’s White Knight and Turned Him to Villainy by AJ Sherwood, then I recommend:

If you love Scales N’ Spells by AJ Sherwood (and Jocelyn Drake), then I recommend:

If you loved How to Keep an Author Alive by AJ Sherwood, then I recommend:

Do we have similar reading taste?! I love that! Here are some more of my reading reviews and listicles for ya:

What to read next —>

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