Business & Career
Oh, No!! You Just Got FIRED?! Here are 7 Tips to Help You Move Forward
Brianne Huntsman -0
As a career coach, I’ve had dozens of overwrought people pop into my FB chat or the contact form on my website, with a TL;DR of “FML, I just got FIRED.”
And I’m so SO sorry that happened to you.
I’ve been there, friend. In the summer of 2009 (with the world...
Business & Career
Becoming a Business Consultant | How to Get Started Making Money – A Checklist!
Brianne Huntsman -
Are you interested in becoming a business consultant? I wrote this post for you!
I've been working as a business and brand consultant for about 5 years now, and I was very lucky to come from a family where most...
Business & Career
20 Minute Guide to Setting Up a MailChimp Newsletter | For Indie Authors & Solopreneurs
Brianne Huntsman -
If you've been trying to sell or share something on the internet for a hot second, you have probably been told (loudly and with emphasis): "YOU NEED AN EMAIL LIST!"
So you...
Business & Career
Broke & Quarantined: 7 Ways to Make $1,000 More a Month (NO Driving!)| Personal Finance Blogger
Brianne Huntsman -
Times, they are a changing!
COVID-19 has put the economy in flux, and its taught a number of folks that having a diversified skillset – and more than one stream of income – to be a wise choice.
Business & Career
Adjusting Yearly Goals – Thanks COVID! | Goal Check – In, As We’re 1/3 Through 2020!
Brianne Huntsman -
Well, hello, April!
With everything that's been happening in the world, I definitely missed my deadline to share a check-in and good hard look at my goals from 2020, and share a recap on how I did on my goals from January...
Blogging Tips & Info
How to Become an Instagram Influencer – Guide for Making Money | Blogging Tips
Brianne Huntsman -
With everything that has been happening with self-quarantine and COVID-19, a lot of people have seen their income take a hit – or they've lost their job altogether.
I've had people pop in my DMs, all with the same question:
Blogging Tips & Info
55+ Blog Post Ideas for the COVID-19 Shut Down| For Bloggers
Brianne Huntsman -
Bloggers are having a TIME right now, with infuencer partnerships and brand deals put on hold and site traffic down.
A key thing to do in this time is to PIVOT your existing content calendar, and start creating content that people are looking for....
One of my big regrets in life is not taking learning a language SERIOUSLY while going through K-12. I had access to some really great French instructors, and I squandered it.
In the past, I told myself that I'm "just not...
Business & Career
How I TOTALLY Screwed Up My Credit Score | Personal Finance Blogger
Brianne Huntsman -
Are you trying to figure out how to improve your credit score? Well then, you're in the right place!!
Hello! Hi! I am writing this blog post in the hopes that it makes its way to other people who feel overwhelmed...
Business & Career
I’ve Made over $20,000 on UpWork | My 5 Tips to Make Money on UpWork
Brianne Huntsman -
When I first started out as a freelancer, I had no freaking clue what I was doing.
This was in 2010, before the "digital nomad" and "work from anywhere" craze and courses hit. There were very few tips for finding location...