What I’m Grateful For | 30 Days of November Gratitude (Part 1)


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November is the month of gratitude (yippee!), and while I include gratitude as part of my meditation practice (more on that later), I wanted to give some extra love to this month.

Below, I’ve shared 30 things, people and places i’m grateful for. I’ve decided to avoid easy outs like simply saying “friends” or “family,” and get really really specific.

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Why So Specific?

As someone who has DIY’d her own faith (hey, i’m a witch!), I have seen some amazing things in my life come to past because I have expressed specific gratitude about the good things in my life.

Specificity is what tells God/The Universe/Your Higher Self, “Hey!! I really love these SPECIFIC THINGS and HERE IS WHY!” Then the powers that are can bring you more of those good things.

It’s kind of like giving someone a gift. You want to know what specific things they like! If someone just says, “Ehhh, I like sweaters?” then they’ve opened themselves up to a lot of different kinds of sweaters – some they may not like.

Okay, I’m done with the woo woo. Let’s dive in.

Day #1: YOU!!!

Everyday, I am so grateful (and a little stunned) that you choose to tune in and hang out with me on the internet.

You could be watching cat videos!! And you’re hanging out with me?

Thank you for your support, your encouragement and your messages. I have met so many wonderful humans around the world by becoming a blogger, and I really cherish these relationships.

Day #2: Students in My Online Classes

I am so incredibly grateful to every person who has taken one of my online classes. These classes are taught via Facebook Live, and I’ve been able to meet incredible people from all around the world (literally).

These classes also help to fund my creative dreams, because they bring in flexible income so I can run around and sew. If you’ve taken a class, THANK YOU! You have made this work possible.

I am so thankful to have met passionate individuals, business owners and bloggers in my courses. I love and appreciate the investment they make by signing up, and I show TF up to make sure the course kicks them to the next level.

Day #3: My Friends Sharing Their Experience with PCOS & Health

Earlier this year, I decided to tackle my PCOS diagnosis head=on. I went to a doctor’s appointment that was frankly awful, and I shared that experience at great length on my Instagram Story and Facebook page.

I am a bit of a ball-buster, and I was totally floored to find that I have a REALLY hard time advocating for myself in a doctor’s office. I went into an appointment earlier this year armed with my laptop, research and questions – and was told off by a nurse for trying to take up too much time.

Um, excuse me. If I’m going to drop $250 on labs and an appointment, you bet your butt I’m going to get my questions answered!

That appointment unfortunately didn’t lead to me getting a lot of the info I wanted, but sharing it did. I’m so grateful for the folks who came out of the woodwork to share their research and stories. PCOS is a chronic condition that usually involves people with the condition testing different treatments on themselves, as it feels like doctors just hand out scripts for Metformin and birth control. -_-

I haven’t found a good doctor for PCOS yet, but I’m still actively looking! If you have a recommendation for a doctor that works with PCOS in Salt Lake City, call me beep me!

Day #4: Learning to Level Up with Editorial Photoshoots

I’ve often shared how my blog was started as a way for me to get experience in creating fashion and running photoshoots. Late in 2018, I decided I was kind of done with “Blogger poses against cute backdrop” for my Instagram feed.

I wanted to do more editorial photoshoots, and tell stories. i wanted to create a team of people, work with other models and really level the eff up.

Well, I did! It took me a long time to figure out how to put together an effective creative brief, and I had some panic attack/hyperventilating moments reaching out via DM to photographers and makeup artists to get shoots put together.

This year, I put together about 8 photoshoots where it required more than me and a photographer showing with outfits. I’ve learned a lot about the process, and I feel like I’m gonna kill it in 2020.

Day #5: Podcasts as a Resource for Super Current Knowledge

Before 2019, I wasn’t really into podcasts. I was REALLY into listening to books on Audible (I make all my clients listen to books!), but I wasn’t into podcasts.

(I make all my clients listen to books!), but I wasn’t into podcasts.

I don’t know when or why the switch happened, but I started listening to podcasts. And OH MY GOD, they have changed my life!

To get a book published, an author has to have so much going for them. But with a podcast, all someone needs to do is want to be able to share their story. Aaaand, with podcasts – you can learn information that is much more current! Listening to podcasts has totally changed my life and my business.

Here’s just a few of my faves:

Day #6: Committing to a Daily “Top 3” List

I’m sure I’ll write about this more elsewhere, but we’ll discuss it here first! I had a TOTAL life changing moment when I started creating a daily “Top 3” list.

This list is a “Do or Die” list, meaning that no matter what happened that day, I would accomplish the things on this list.

Starting to do this was PAINFUL, but I specifically chose tasks that I was dragging my butt on. Tasks that were critical to me moving forward in my life and career.

Things like calling for doctor’s appointments, meeting with my accountant, replying to an email I was procrastinating on, etc etc.

Every night before I go to bed, I pull out my Notes App, and I write the 3 things that must get done the next day.

And I usually do them first thing in the morning, just to get it out of the way.

Day #7: Getting a Carwash Membership

You probably weren’t expecting to see this on a list!!

Historically, I have had a really hard time keeping my car clean. The cleanliness of my car has often been a direct reflection of my mental health, which hasn’t always been great.

I used to be so embarrassed by the interior of my car – because it was a disaster zone.

So, this year, I created a habit. Every Saturday, i got and get gas. And I also get a car wash and vacuum my car. Having a clean car makes such a difference for my mental health, and I don’t stress out about giving people rides or picking up friends from the airport!

Day #8: Hosting My Blog on Agathon!

Y’all, learning how to run a blog takes a lot of time. I have been a GoDaddy fan girl for years, but their WordPress hosting was a MESS.

There were WEEKS where I couldn’t access my site to make edits, and the load times were super slow. I’d call into customer support and get the run around.

I’m also not a WP developer, and I felt really afraid to make major software updates to my site – because I was scared to loose everything. And getting help with those issues required that I purchase add-ons, that started at $100 a month.

I just wanted someone else to take care of the backend of my site, so I could focus on what I’m good at!

I shared this on my Twitter, and Marie of The Curvy Fashionista came in with her #1 rec, Agathon. Marie has a huge website and gets hundreds of thousands (millions?) of visitors each year. I figured if Marie loved them, I should sign up!

Morgan at Agathon was really helpful in getting me set up, communicating clearly via email and asking all my questions. The transfer was super easy ($100 fee), and now I pay $70 a month.

I feel great when I make updates to my site, because I know that the backend is being watched.

Oh, and Morgan set up my SSL certificate – something I could NOT figure out on GoDaddy!

Day #9: Mood Fabrics & Fabric Direct

Y’all may know of Mood Fabrics from Project Runway, and I’m so grateful this company exists! My fabric choices are pretty limited in Utah, which makes sourcing tough.

I can get all the swatches I need from Mood for $1.50 each, and their button selection has saved my life!!

I’ve also ordered from Fabric Direct, and I’ve been so impressed with their prices and return policy. (Mood doesn’t have a great return policy, tbh. But they have really high quality fabrics.)

I get my wools, printed brocades, etc, from Mood, and my solid color organza from Fabric Direct!

Day #10: Cinemark Movie Theaters

I’ve done a few movie reviews on the blog, and I go to a movie at least every Friday.

I started going to the movies regularly because my therapist challenged me to find a hobby where I could disengage my brain and totally put my phone away.

You can’t have your phone out at the movie theatre, so that’s where I ended up.

I’ve seen so many movies and films I would’ve probably missed, and I’ve been so inspired by the creativity and storytelling of these movies! I look forward to this “date with myself” every week.

Also, I love the luxury loungers. I can’t go bak to regular movie theater seats!!

Day #11: My Medium Knack Pack

I love a leather tote bag, but MAN my Medium Knack Pack has changed the game for me! My favorite feature is the top pocket, where I can quickly stash my phone and sunglasses.

The expandable luggage compartment makes packing for shoots a breeze, and I can fit 1-2 looks in there.

Finally, the pocket at the bottom fits my Mac cord. My Mac charger used to get all tangled up in my tote bag, and it’d bring fabric swatches, pens and other stuff with it when I pulled it out.

(Also, I’m a contractor for Knack – and I’m also grateful for the great team there!)

Day #12: My Sister, Marissa

Y’all, I don’t talk about my sister very much because she’s a MEGA introvert. Marissa is always rooting me on, bouncing ideas, and is my true ride or die.

She often pops in as my photographer, taking time out of her insane schedule (she’s a writer and a project manager in tech) to help me out!

Marissa isn’t a huge fan of selfies or pictures, so I’m sharing this selfie withour cousin, Lauren!

Day #13: Fashion Mentor, Sophie

WOW, so much of my fashion work would be totally impossible without the knowledge of Sophie St. Claire. I’ve been going to the Fashion Sewing School for the last 2 years, learning couture sewing techniques, customization and working on my collection.

Sophie’s knowledge of couture sewing has been critical to my progression!

Day #14: Esky Wireless Key Tracker

I wrote about this in my post about managing my ADHD, but dang this little system deserves a second shoutout! The Esky Wireless Key Tracker has saved my sanity (and calendar) all dang year.

I lose my keys a LOT, and I used to be late often. I decided that this wasn’t a reflection of who I want to be (being late is disrespectful of other people’s time), so I plunked down $20 for this bad boy.

Worth every penny! Details here.

Day #15: Jen MF Sincero

Wow, I could write approximately 20,000 words on how much author and badass coach, Jen Sincero, has changed my life.

She showed up when I was trying to tackle my thoughts around money (blog post on my money habits here), and she really paved the way for a whole new level of consciousness for me.

If I could, I would buy her books in bulk and just throw them at people throughout the day.

Part One is Done!

Okay, this post just hit 2,000 words – so I’m going to do a Part 1 & Part 2! Tune in next week for the rest of my gratitude post.

I’d also love to hear what you’re grateful for! What people, products or experiences have made your 2019 great? Let me know on social media, or by commenting below!

[FTC Notice:  This post contains affiliate links, meaning I earn a small commission if you purchase a product through my link. Affiliates help me write more great content, and I only endorse products I truly love.]

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