Inspiring Quotes from Arlan Hamilton | Diversity in Tech


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if you’ve spent any time with me on social media, you know that I love to share inspiring quotes.

It’s my belief that personal development, and the accompanying quotes that come personal development materials, is critical if you’re chasing after big and audacious dreams. I surround myself with the worlds of people who have made it – who are doing it – because their belief fuels my own.

I’ve followed venture capitalist, Arlan Hamilton, on Twitter for years now. And I love how real she is.

I’ve recently gotten into her podcast, and you bet I’ve preordered her book.

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Where are the quotes?

But when I went to Pinterest to find my quote graphics, I really only found a few.

“Someone should really make more graphics,” I said to myself.

But, then I realized.

I’m a someone. And while no one is going to mistake me for a graphic designer, i do have Canva at my fingertips.

So, below are just under a dozen quotes from Arlan herself. Feel free to share, save to your phone and take on the MF world.

#1: Stating Your Worth

“I didn’t come here to take your scraps.” Arlan Hamilton

#2: The Work of Underrepresented Groups

“Investing in us—people of color, LGBT people, and women—is good business, good sense.” -Arlan Hamilton

#3: The Work of Underrepresented Groups

“A smile and a handshake does not necessarily mean it’s a done deal, or that it’s genuine, or that someone has your best interest in mind.” -Arlan Hamilton

#4: On Competition (Part 2)

“I didn’t come here to get your scraps. I didn’t come here to get your pity or your charity. I came here to go toe-to-toe with you, head-to-head with you, and to take it all.” -Arlan Hamilton

#5: On Success

“Success is reached when you’ve done so much and you’ve reached a certain level that you don’t have to do it any longer but you choose to[…]” -Arlan Hamilton

#6: On Curiosity

“I’ve always been insatiably curious about human nature and that has influenced everything I’ve done. Having just one job for all of my adulthood never crossed my mind. It never was something that I felt I could physically do because I was too curious.” -Arlan Hamilton

#7: On Getting Back Up

“I’ve definitely cried on the floor of an airport. I’ve definitely had those moments. But, it’s what you do after you cry. Do you stay down or do you get up? Plain and simple.” -Arlan Hamilton

#8: On Integrity

“In my opinion, there is nothing that’s worth a check, nothing that you could sacrifice or gain that is worth a check.” -Arlan Hamilton

#9: On Resilience

“I’m going to get 99 nos for the hundred asks to get the one. It’s going to happen. Inevitable. So I need to ask 100 times, 100 people, for the thing that I want in any given situation.” -Arlan Hamilton

#10: On Resilience

“I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been given a no, only to find that a better, brighter, bigger yes was around the corner.” -Arlan Hamilton

#11: On The Value of Diversity

 It’s not about “helping” founders, it’s about fueling an untapped ecosystem so that you may be lucky enough to reap the rewards in years to come. 

[Aside: I used purple in most of the quotes, due to the branding of Arlan’s firm. But this quote really needed a “smack you in the face neon green.”]

What’d I Miss?

Do you have a favorite quote from Arlan Hamilton? Well, open Canva and play designer for a bit! Make yourself a phone background. It’s 2019, babe. You have the technology to feed your soul.

Oh, and be sure to pre-order her book! One of the best ways to support people like Arlan is by investing in her firm (duh), but if you don’t have a cool million lying around you can buy her book!

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