7 Different Looks to Rock on Nov 6 [When You Go Raise Hell at the Polls]


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Wow, US politics is not having a cute moment rn.  Immigrant children are still being detained by the US government, there’s (another) rapist on the Supreme Court and Thanksgiving is coming up – complete with your Uncle Kevin arguing “Trump isn’t that bad.”

And while it is tempting to figure out how to marry a nice Swede and GTFO out of this dumpster fire (s/o to Tinder for location changing services), we can’t do that.  Because US politics are still going to bite us in the behind, no matter where we take our cute butts.

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SO, let’s own it!  LET’S SHOW UP AND VOTE.  Is voting going to solve every problem we face?  Absolutely not.  But it is an initial step that needs to be taken.

Aaaaand maybe we can have a little snarky fun while we’re at it. Below are 7 different looks, or vibes, to rock when you go to the polls on November 6, to crush the f*cking patriarchy.

(Voting early or with a mail-in ballot?  Smugly rock one of the looks below in an OOTD pic on insta.  You can look fine AF and remind people to vote.)

Look #1:  Reclaiming the Kitchen

You love all things rockabilly, and you’ve debated about the feminist subtext of June Cleaver at house parties.

A woman’s place is in the House (of Representatives) and also the kitchen, because it’s okay for a bitch to love to bake!  Rock some 1950’s vibes on your way to the polls, rejoicing in the progress made.  Women couldn’t get a credit card until 1974 or run in the Boston marathon until 1972.

Shop plus size swing dresses here.

Look #2:  Most Likely to Run for Office

You love nothing more than a good pantsuit, and you may or may not have dressed as HRC (with Blackberry in hand) for Halloween. You’re tired of having nightmares with lines like, “BUT HER EMAILS,” and you find yourself wondering what would’ve happened in 2016 if you had done just a little more canvassing/volunteering/debating.

Whether you opt for red, white or blue pantsuit – there are a plethora of choices. And, yes, you can rock your “Nasty Woman” white tee underneath.

Red suit | White Suit | Navy Suit

Look #3:  Furiosa in Mad Max Fury Road 

You’re headed into vote, but you also accept that we have 2 more years to survive with 45 – and we may not make it. You’ve been taking prepper courses, have a “bug bag” and you’re ready to acquire supplies however necessary should you-know-what hit the fan.

Or, you may be riled up about abortion access and women’s rights to control their fertility, a la Furiosa driving out into the wasteland looking for sanctuary.  You cheered when Kamala Harris asked, “Can you think of any laws that give the government the power to make decisions about the male body?” and you’re ready to rock your post-apocalyptic threads on your way to the polls.

Harness | Corset | Pants | Jacket

If you really want to go all out with some Furiosa goggles, check these out.

Look #4:  I Really Wish I Had Requested a Mail-In Ballot

You’re a woman with a long to-do list, and you really wish you had requested a mail-in ballot.  Arrive to the polls in your favorite yoga pants, sunglasses perched on your head with Starbucks in hand.  Your Instagram Story will likely NOT include a pic of your OOTD, but you’ll def share that you voted on social media.

Shop these cozy looks at Plus BKLYN.

Look #5:  Canvassing in Line

You’ve been phone banking, donating time/money and making sure your friends are registered to vote.

The final frontier is to advocate for equality AT your polling place.  You also used to shop at Feminist Apparel, but now we know better.  Embrace longer lines at the poll and rock some intersectional feminist messaging.

Shop these looks at (women-owned) brand, Fiercely.

Look #6:  Sex Positive Bae

If you’re a fan of people like Amber Rose, this is your OOTD. You understand the difference between sex workers and sex trafficking, and it drives you up the wall that “men report orgasms in approximately 95 percent of heterosexual encounters, but for women, depending on the study, the figure ranges from only 50 to 70 percent.”

Like, whaaaat?

Taking power involves being able to talk about our pleasure.

On your way to the polls, rock whatever makes you feel sexy – from a velvet bodycon dress to overalls.  WORK IT, babe!

Look #7:  I am a Feminine Goddess

You rejoice in all things floral, “girly” and feminine.  Maybe you used to say things like, “I’m not like other girls!  I don’t care about [feminine habit/thing]!” BUT NO LONGER.

Throwing women under the bus is sooooo 2012, and we’re here to rejoice in femininity.  Think Primavera by Botticelli, but for the gram.

Shop the Marissa set at Premme.

Are You Ready to Vote?

Check your polling location here.  If you didn’t register to vote in time, there’s still hope!  You can vote using a provisional ballot.

What are you going to wear to the polls?  Share your thoughts below!
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