What I Want for Christmas | Blogger Wish List


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Bloggers love holiday present roundups, because it’s like shopping – without the hit on one’s bank account.

I was pretty overwhelmed with ideas for roundups, from “Gift Ideas for Babes with ADHD” to “WTF to Get Your Adult Brother.”

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I’m That Christmas Babe!

But then, I thought – folks hang out with me on the internet because (for some reason?) you like my opinions and hot takes. Also probably because I’m pretty cute.

SO, I thought I’d share my own Christmas wish list. Let’s get going!

Item #1: Golf Lessons from Top Golf

I’ve been wanting to learn how to golf for YEARS, but I’m, um, not very coordinated. I’d love to take golf lessons for ~HBIC purposes~, as well as to get myself out of my comfort zone!

Item #2: Charging Bank for My Laptop

I’ll be traveling a LOT more in 2020, and I need an external battery // charging situation for my Macbook Pro. On a recent flight across the US, my laptop died halfway through the flight.

I’m not sure which charging bank is best (maybe this one?).

Item #3: A (More) Organized Fashion Sewing Studio

Y’all, my sewing studio needs a professional organizer intervention, and getting it organized is #1 on my to-do list for the New Year.

I haven’t quite figured out how I’m going to do it – but I know I want this peg board to hang tools on my wall!

Item #4: Tickets to Opening Night at The Metropolitan Opera

I keep meaning to go to The Met Opera while in NYC, but I always remember to snag tickets too late. Ugh! I’d love to get really dressed up and attend opening night of an opera.

People get especially fancy for opening night, hence the specificity!

Item #5: An Ellevest Account

I am growing my financial knowledge, and I’d love a gift that supports me in my future. I’m not sure how one goes about gifting a contribution to an Ellevest account, but we can figure it out! 😉

Item #6: Framed Photos with Friends

I did a bit better at getting photos with friends in 2019, but I need to do better! I’d love to get a fabulous frame with a sticky note that says something like, “BFF Photo to Come!”

Item #7: Elomi Bra FTW

Y’all, I LOVE LOVE ELOMI BRAS! I have like 5 of the same bra, and I’d love to get this one. (I’m a 46J!)

Item #8: Gucci Belt

Everyone has this belt, and I want it too!

Item #9: Anastasia Beverly Hills Contour Kit

I recently dropped my contour kit, and it broke into tiny little sad pieces. Time to replace it!

Item #10: Bdellium Tools Brush Kit

After doing a whole YouTube series with my MUA, I’ve realized these brushes are IT! This brush kit is what dreams are made of.

Item #11: Cooking Class at Sur La Table

Y’all, I do NOT have culinary skills. Seriously. I eat, like, the same 5 meals. I’d love to take a cooking class at my local Sur La Table with a BFF!

I’m really into the “Sushi at Home” class.

Item #12: Robe from Impish Lee

I have been drooling over this robe for YEARS! Lmk if you need my measurements. 😉

Item #13: Cinemark Gift Card

I go and see a movie every Friday, and this is a

Item #14: Marchesa Gown from 11 Honoré

While we’re here, we may as well be real. I would die and then be reborn if I received a Marchesa gown for Christmas.


Item #15: Surprise Trip with Pack Up + Go

Y’all, i love love to travel! I also LOVE SURPRISES! I’ve often thought about booking a trip with Pack Up + Go – wanna come with?

I would love to visit New Orleans, New Orleans or…. New Orleans!

What Are You Hoping to Receive This Holiday Season?

Do you need help dropping a hint to your friends or family about what you’re hoping to receive? I’m totes down to be the messenger!

Or, you know, you could write a listicle like this! 😉

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