9 Apartment Patio Privacy Screen Ideas || Apartment Decor Hacks

Apartment Patio Privacy Screen Idea

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Hey there!  If you’re on this blog post page, it likely means you are looking for apartment privacy ideas.  I recently moved into my own apartment, with a balcony I am stoked about!

Problem is, I don’t want everyone who drives by to *see* me out on my patio.  Feels a little invasive and weird, ya know?

This post is all about apartment patio privacy screen ideas.

Apartment Patio Privacy Ideas

Because of the weird vibes I get when I hang out on my apartment patio, I started to research ideas on how to have a more private space.

I haven’t tried all of these solutions, and I’ll post updates as I work towards the best solution for apartment patio privacy.

Heads up:  Before looking at hacks for apartment patio privacy, I recommend taking a few measurements:

  • Perimeter of patio, length and wide
  • The area that needs to be covered, so you know how much material you need!

Alright, let’s get to it!

#1 Apartment Patio Privacy Screen Idea – Outdoor Fabric

Ok, so first up on ideas to keep your apartment balcony private, we have outdoor fabric.  You can get privacy screens to use on your pato from Amazon here.  I like that this is still a bit see through, so if you want to be a bit snoopy on your neighbors – you can!

Thinking about DIY-ing this, I think it’s a better idea to just purchase the privacy screen.  While you could go to JoAnns Fabric (and you know I love JoAnns), you’re then going to have to cut the fabric to measure and sew around the perimeter to keep the fabric from fraying.  That’s quite a time consuming project!

Get this apartment patio privacy solution here!

Apartment Patio Privacy Screen Idea - Outdoor Fabric

#2 Apartment Patio Privacy Screen Idea – Outdoor Privacy Curtains

In my apartment complex, I’ve seen peopl put up a curtain rod across their apartment balcony.  I’m not a huge fan of this, as I don’t want to be totally closed off from the world.

To do this, I think people are getting an expandable curtain rod or shower rod, and putting it up in their balcony, putting it behind their railing.  If I was going to do this, I’d ask for a building maintenance person to help me for safety!

Make sure to snag curtains made for the outdoors for this!

Apartment Patio Privacy Screen Idea - Outdoor Curtains
Curtains with a spring rod can be a great privacy option for renters with a patio or balcony!

#3 Apartment Patio Privacy Screen Idea – Weave Siding

So this next apartment patio privacy idea won’t work for every apartment balcony but it could work for some!  If your apartment balcony barrier has some sort of grid like pattern, you could weave siding through it.

I got this idea from my parent’s neighbors, who have woven “privacy tape” in their chainlink fence.  I think this could also work for apartments!

This seems like a gigantic headache to me, and my ADHD self would never make it through this, lol.  That said, if you enjoy finicky tasks, this could be a great fit for you!

Get this apartment patio privacy screen item here!

Apartment Patio Privacy Screen Idea - White Weave Siding on Chain link fence

#4 Apartment Patio Privacy Screen Idea – Fake Plant Screens

Ok, so I have seen this apartment decorating hack alllll over TikTok, and to be honest, I’m a bit dubious.  I look at these fake plat screens and I wonder, “Is this going to reek during the summer, when it’s super hot???”

Methinks yes.

Update: I had a few friends write in that their foliage privacy screen doesn’t smell like melting plastic in the summer, but they don’t see temps over 100 F!

I’m not a huge fan of these screens, buuuuut I did price out DIY’ing it verses buying screens online.  Overall, unless you get the fake plants for free, it’s way more cost effective to purchase the screens.

Get this apartment patio privacy hack here!

Apartment Patio Privacy Screen Idea - Fake Plant Screens with flowers

#5 Apartment Patio Privacy Screen Idea – Pride Flags

When I first moved into my apartment, my blogging bestie, Liz, got me a pride flag as a welcome gift!  I love that!

I initially hung the Pride flag up on my apartment patio balcony to show some LGBTQ+ pride and adoration, but the flag had a secondary purpose – it makes a great partial privacy screen!

I think covering my apartment balcony in flags would noooot be the aesthetic I’m looking for, but I’m definitely using my pride flag as a partial cover.  It’s an easy hack and means I can purchase fewer apartment privacy screens!

Get this pride privacy screen hack here!

 Apartment Patio Privacy Screen Idea - Pride Flags

#6 Apartment Patio Privacy Screen Idea – Bamboo Mats

If you’re looking for a more aesthetic or natural looking solution, you can order a sheet of bamboo online as a privacy screen.  You’re probably going to have to cut it down to fit your apartment railing, or keep it super tall if you’d like!

I’m a little nervous about how something like this would hold up under wind, so I axed it for my apartment. (I live in a super windy area.)  But, if your apartment doesn’t get a lot of wind, this could be a good solution!

Get a bamboo privacy screen here.

 Apartment Patio Privacy Screen Idea - Bamboo sheet

#7 Apartment Patio Privacy Screen Idea – Tall Planters

This next apartment patio privacy screen idea is for my PLANT PEOPLE!  If you love growing plants (I just got a raised planter for my balcony!), then it may make most sense to use your budget on planters and plants.

This won’t provide 100% privacy, but maybe you’re looking for a bit more privacy.  You can get tall planters on Facebook Marketplace (we love to reduce, reuse and recycle) or through Lowe’s!

Make sure to weight the bottom of your large pots with a brick or other material, so it doesn’t blow over!!

Get this patio privacy hack here!

Apartment Patio Privacy Screen Idea - Gray Tall Planters

#7 Apartment Patio Privacy Screen Idea – Outdoor Folding Privacy Screen

Next up, we have an outdoor screen.  I associate these foldable screens with something fancy ladies would use to get dressed in the morning, but these can also be used on an apartment balcony.

I’m considering going this route, due to my wind situation!  I can put up my privacy screen when I’m out on my balcony, and thennnn put it away when I’m done!  Plus, this is an investment that I can take with me when I move!

Check out outdoor privacy screens here.

#8 Apartment Patio Privacy Screen Idea – Outdoor Pots & Trellis

I’m intrigued by the idea of having an outdoor planter that ALSO comes with a short trellis, to add a bit of privacy.  This is more of a long term solution, as I’m not sure how long it would take plants to climb up the trellis.  This could be part of a larger solution (for example, getting a foldable screen), to cover a bit of the area.

Check out this apartment patio privacy hack here.

 Apartment Patio Privacy Screen Idea - Outdoor Pots & Trellis

#9 Apartment Patio Privacy Screen Idea – Trellis Siding

Finally, the last solution I’ve come up with for apartment privacy is to get a few sheets of trellis siding, and cut it down for your balcony.  You can use zip ties to tie this to the railing.  Overall, this isn’t really the aesthetic I want in my space, but this could be a quick and more cost-effecitve solution.

If I were you, I’d get my trellis siding at Lowe’s, and have a nice person cut the siding down tot t

the size needed for your apartment balcony.

Get this apartment patio privacy hack here.

Apartment Patio Privacy Screen Idea - Trellis Siding

My Patio Privacy Screen Plan

Ok, so after doing a LOT of research, i think I’m going to go for:

  • Foldable screen
  • Apartment umbrella
  • Privacy fabric screen for one side

I’ll keep you updated on how it goes!

This post was all about apartment patio privacy screen ideas.

More Apartment Decor Hacks

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