Going to the Grocery Store in Utah – Harmon’s Grocery in Utah | Masks ON!!

Shopping for Utah local products Grocery Store in Utah

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I don’t know about you, but going out and running errands is wayyyyy more stressful in 2020 than 2019.

While a lot of brands have gone out of their way to email me (some, like 17 times I swear) about their pandemic measures, I’ve found when I go in-store that those measures are notttt being adopted at all.

From store employees having their noses popping out of their masks to empty hand sanitizer bottles, etc, it’s not a great feeling.

Harmon's Grocery in Utah

BUT! Some brands are doing an EXCELLENT job, and today, I wanted to give them a shoutout on my blog!

Grocery Shopping in Utah – Harmon’s Grocery

For those of who have never been to Utah (or have newly moved here), Harmon’s Grocery does a great job of offering higher end and locally sourced products, alongside value-based products. I enjoy shopping there, but typically (esp this year), I’ve opted to go to a grocery store closer to my house.

My mom is Harmon’s #1 Fan, and she recently had a procedure done on both of her elbows (can you believe). I went grocery shopping for her, and of course I went to Harmon’s in South Jordan, Utah.

And, y’all, while I have been going to an intentionally unnamed grocery store, I’m now Harmon’s #2 Fan. The way the store has structured its pandemic response is INCREDIBLE.

#1: Full-Time Cart Attendant & Sanitizing Station

Some stores have had Clorox wipes at the front for folks to sanitize their carts, and while I appreciate the presence of said wipes – this is pretty ineffective when it comes to germs. Busy parents wrangling kids may not see the wipes, folks may not wipe down their cart thoroughly, etc.

So I was STOKED to see that there was a Harmon’s team member at the front of the store, managing cart sanitization and checking for masks. They had a whole cart situation, and this made me feel way less stressed.

Harmon's Grocery in Utah

#2: Signs & Floor Stickers Everywhere

Harmon’s did a great job of having standing signs AND floor stickers, reminding folks to socially distance and be smart. We all know we need to stay 6 feet apart, but it’s easy to forget that when your mind is occupied with what kind of tomatoes one is supposed to get, and mentally going through one’s pantry. There are only so many brain cells to go around.

#3: Sanitizing Registers after Each Customer

Okay, so I was pretty stoked about #1 and #2, but #3 is really what made me go, “I am now a Harmon’s Fan Girl!” Harmon’s team member, Kennedy, handled my checkout – and she SANITIZED EVERY SURFACE – including the key pad of the card machine.

The way she did this showed she’s super used to doing it, and she did such a great job of sanitizing surfaces.

Harmon's Grocery in Utah

Customer Safety & Operations Management

I really appreciate Harmon’s Grocery dedication to customer safety, and how each team member in the store was so on top of it. I get that getting employees to “buy-in” to extra work can be a difficult or impossible task from an operations standpoint, and I so appreciate the Harmon’s Grocery team for their work in keeping us safe. <3

What to Read Next —>

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