10 Plus Size Jewish Bloggers & Creatives to Follow on Instagram


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Given the political climate, I wanted to celebrate the Jewish creators that I know and follow.  Growing up Mormon, I knew exactly 0 Jewish people (even though Mormons are actually a body of people that form an unofficial fan club of Jews & Judaism – because they’re the OG chosen people 😉 ).

One of the best ways to create a better world is by celebrating diverse creatives!  So without further ado, here are some of my favorite Jewish plus size bloggers and creatives:

1. Suma Jane Dark

Have you noticed that I talk about Suma ALL THE DANG TIME?  Of course you have.  And I will continue to do so!  Suma is a plus size blogger in the PNW, and regularly drops Yiddish words in conversation.  I love hearing her stories about growing up as a Jewish person in the American South.


2. Nikki G

Nikki is a plus size actress, singer and model who is HQ’d in Atlanta, Georgia.  Nikki regularly talks about her experience as a Latina and Jewish woman.  Her Instagram Stories often show her switching from Spanish to English, and I love it!

3. Chaya Milchtein  

Chaya is a queer and jewish blogger who currently lives in Wisconsin.  She was raised in the Chasidic branch of Judaism, eventually leaving to practice her faith in her own way.  Chaya regularly hosts Shabbat dinners for the queer community (Jewish and non-Jewish folks welcome) at her home.

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There is something about fall that always gets me thinking about the future. How can I better myself? How can I share more with my community? What do people actually want to see me giving to the world? ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ So that's my question to all of you. What do you love that I share or talk about? What topics do you want me to do a better job of covering? What haven't I touched on that you want to hear about? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Tell me in the comments!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ More yellow! @eloquii really hit the nail on the head with this prefect light fall dress. I love the fact that its light and flowy plus has long sleeves and wide enough arm openings! I'd size up if you are buying, it's not stretchy at all, more structured. I'm totally in love!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ???? @mckennapatterson.photography ???? @eloquii #yellowdress #fallplussizefashion #feelinglikefall #plussizephotography #wisconsinblogger #illinoisblogger #queerfashion

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4. Nicolette Mason

One of everyone’s faves, Nicolette often talks about her Jewish identity + culture on Twitter and her Instagram Story.  Her perspectives and insights are incredibly valuable, so be sure to join on her Twitter!

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Today is #nationalcomingoutday and I’m using this day as an excuse to post this fabulous rainbow dress AGAIN because IT’S AMAZING ???? For most people, coming out is not a singular event. I basically come out every single day, and having the safety to do so is an enormous luxury and a privilege. I have, literally, dozens of coming out stories — but the first of them was when I came out to my best friend, Emily, when I was 15 years old and instant messaged her to tell her I was “pretty sure I liked girls.” Her response? “That’s gross.” And then like a week and a half later she instant messaged me to be like, “jk, I like girls too.” Like, hello – I didn’t just randomly select a girl on my waterpolo team (hint #1) to come out to without having my gaydar go off a little. It wasn’t until many years later that I would actually feel comfortable identifying as gay, and it took even longer to understand my identity and how I could embody it in the world – what it meant or looked like to be femme, or to possess a multitude of identities, or to frame my own sense of self in a world where I saw little visibility of the possibilities of who I could be. Having the choice to opt in or out of coming out is, in itself, a privilege. Coming out is not yet an option for everyone to do safely, and NO ONE should ever feel pressured to come out. There’s no roadmap or instruction book on how to be you, whatever or whoever that is. My hope is that we are all able to make ‘coming out’ more safe for everyone, and I hope that by being vocal and visible about my own identity, that even one person feels less isolated in their own journey.

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5. Vanessa Friedman

Vanessa is a queer femme writer and “jewitch,” whose Instagram Story regularly makes me do a spit take from laughing.  She’s written over 200 articles for Autostraddle, and you should probably read all of them.

6. KJ

KJ is a genderqueer and body positive blogger, who calls Pennsylvania home.  They also blog about chronic illness and #SpoonieLife on ChronicallyKarli.

7. Beckah Sheeler

I met Beckah on the internet (honestly, where I meet all of my friends).  She’s a Shopify developer and is working on her own jewelry startup (not yet launched, so shhhh).  Beckah is a loving person, who knows how to share some humorous zingers.

Beckah also told me the yiddish word for “plus size,” “curvy” or “fat” is zaftig.  From Beckah:  “It has a connotation of both “plump” or “curvaceous” or “fat” and is used pretty interchangeably.”

8.  Emily Gottschaulk

Emily is an internet friend, who owns (re)purpose jewelry, a company that donates a portion of all jewelry sales to worth nonprofits around the world.  Emily makes each piece by hand, and I have one of her pieces (and love it, ofc).

9. Ingrid Rachel

Can we talk about how Rachel’s hair makes me want to go blonde?  She’s a pinup goddess, and one of the founders of Big Bride Club (a site that celebrates all things plus size bridal), and calls Pittsburgh home.

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5 DAYS OF GRATITUDE ???? DAY 2: Nature ???? Many people rise with the sun, but sunsets have always been a moment of solace for me. These photos are from one of the best trips of my life, with @kylewhodat. On our way from Tennessee to South Carolina, we decided to take a back road instead of the highway. We were in the mountains while the sun made its way around. The earth seemed so much broader to me. And the road less taken brought us to a sight I’d never forget. I’m so thankful to have these memories, of traveling and seeing this earth from new angles. To breathe new air. And for those moments, this broad world seems strong enough to carry me home. ???? #daysofgratitude #5daysofgratitude #nature #sunset #tennessee

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10.  Ashley M. Seruya

I met Ashley at a meetup hosted by plus BKLYN, and I instantly took to her warm energy.  She’s a social worker and virtual business manager, based out of New York City.

On being Jewish, Ashley shared, “Being Jewish means approaching life with curiosity and nuance. It’s understanding that we will always have more questions than answers—and that that’s okay. It’s empathy and deep connectedness. It’s viewing the world in a profoundly unique way that couldn’t be anything other than Jewish.”

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Today felt like shit. I’m mentally and emotionally exhausted. All I wanted to do was never get out of bed. I honestly haven’t felt that way since I’ve gotten my meds right. And settling into it was so, so tempting. —————— Instead, I tried to do something small. I tried to get some fresh air. I tried to put something on my body that I loved to remind myself that I am worthy. I tried, for a moment, to do something that I enjoy in a moment where I didn’t really have the energy to do much of anything. ———————— It didn’t fix things. It didn’t change anything. It didn’t heal. But it did help me keep going. It gave me a moment where I felt like me again. A quiet, simple moment where my smile was genuine and my joy was real. And when I returned home, it didn’t feel quite as hard to sit down and do what needed to be done. And that is my victory for today. ——————— We will keep going. We will survive. We will pull through. Even if it’s only through the ripples of history, stories that we pass on and tradition that runs through our veins. We will always be here. One way or another. ———————— #mentalhealthsupport #selfcaretip #fallphotoshoot #dontbullymypit #dontbullythebreed #fallfashiontrends #fuckfatphobia #antisemitism #squirrelhill #whatfatgirlsactuallywear #fatgirlfashion #fatpositive —————— Photo by @kingcozi, as always.

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I know I missed bloggers and creatives that SHOULD be on this list, so please comment below if you have any suggestions.  :*

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