13+ We Should All Be Millionaires Quotes || Book By Rachel Rodgers

we should all be millionaires - rachel rodgers book quotes

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Today, I’m going to share 13+ of my favorite “We Should All Be Millionaires” book quotes, specifically quoting the author, Rachel Rodgers.

When I’m not blogging about fashion and travel, I can be found talking BUSINESS. As a business coach and entrepreneur with multiple streams of income, I talk a lot about the importance of doing 30 minutes of professional development a day, M-F.

Please note and enjoy my terrible 2020 hair!!! <3 :*

We Should All Be Millionaires – Quotes

The problem is that a lot of personal & professional development books or offerings totally fail to take into account the marginalization specific groups face.

For *years*, I have been waiting for a book like “We Should All Be Millionaires,” to enter the professional development space. A book that talks about personal finance and accountability – but also is real about the systemic challenges specific groups face.

I have tweeted about this book probably 25++ times at this point, posted about it on Instagram and Facebook – and today I’m sharing some of my favorite quotes from the book as quote graphics that are also phone backgrounds.

My hope is that you can use these quotes on your own phone – and inspire yourself to make moves every dang day to design the life that you want.

Let’s go!

#1 We Should All Be Millionaires – Book Quotes

“You, today, have all the skills, talents, and intelligence you need to generate an income significantly higher than the one you have right now.” – Rachel Rodgers

#2 We Should All Be Millionaires – Quotes

“You are generous enough. Stop giving away your time, effort and labor and start building real wealth.” – Rachel Rodgers

#3 We Should All Be Millionaires – Book Quotes

“Making money and making the world a better place are not mutually exclusive.” – Rachel Rodgers

#4 We Should All Be Millionaires – Quotes

“If we as women are truly passionate about improving our lives, making the world a better place for our children, and getting equity for all marginalized people, then we need to step up and make bank.” – Rachel Rodgers

#5 We Should All Be Millionaires – Book Quotes

“Every woman needs to know what it feels like to wield economic power. That’s how we make change. That’s how we serve our children. That’s how we serve the world.” – Rachel Rodgers

#6 We Should All Be Millionaires – Quotes

“I want you to know what it feels like to solve community problems like providing for kids who can’t afford school lunch or creating a community garden by simply writing a check.” – Rachel Rodgers

#7 We Should All Be Millionaires – Quotes

“The road to becoming a millionaire is paved with Million Dollar Decisions.” – Rachel Rodgers

#8 We Should All Be Millionaires – Quotes

“All you need is an enforced boundary to protect your heart, your time, your joy, your labor, your sanity and your money. You know why? Because it’s not anyone else’s job to protect you.” – Rachel Rodgers

#9 We Should All Be Millionaires – Book Quotes

“If you are being nice when you don’t want to be, you’re really just lying.” – Rachel Rodgers

#10 We Should All Be Millionaires – Quotes

“Be a joyful giver or don’t give.” – Rachel Rodgers

#11 We Should All Be Millionaires – Quotes

“Most people aim for average rather than greatness. There is plenty of room for you at the top.” – Rachel Rodgers

#12 We Should All Be Millionaires – Quotes

“You can’t be an economic powerhouse and be liked by everyone.” -Rachel Rodgers

MORE Rachel Rodgers Book Quotes:

  • “Ninety-five percent of your success or failure can be predicted based on the kind of people you regularly hang out with. Build your squad and next-level your success.”
  • “If you want different results, you need to change the way you care for yourself, your thoughts, and how you spend your time.”
  • “When you charge more, you’ll attract people who are delightful to serve.”
  • “Price according to the value you bring to the table, not according to the tie it takes you to saw, nail, and construct the table.”
  • “Money isn’t everything, but it absolutely is important. Anyone who says it’s not is lying.”

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