Floral Crown Photoshoot – Sustainable Plus Size Fashion Editorial

floral crown photoshoot

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This week, I’ve been going through my photo archives and finding images that I totally failed to share with y’all! I’ve added sharing these images to my blog content calendar, and today I’m sharing images from the plus size floral crown photoshoot I modeled & directed in 2020!

Floral Crown Photoshoot
I learned this pose from Hayley Herms modeling class, resting fingers on my face along my jawline to frame my face!

Floral Crown Photoshoot

Something that you don’t see in these floral crown photoshoot images is yours truly balancing this floral crown on my head.

Ahem, you see this crown hung out in the front seat of my car for MONTHS. I waited until it was safe to put this floral crown photoshoot together, and while I waited… well, the floral crown started to fall apart!

So, let this be a lesson to you! If you’re planning a floral crown photoshoot, be sure that you complete the photoshoot within a few weeks of getting te floral crown.

This one was precariously perched on my head, lol!

Floral Crown Photoshoot – Team & Styling

  • Plus Size Model: Brianne Huntsman (moi!)
  • Creative Director: Brianne Huntsman
  • Photographer: Angela Petersen

I also chose this Maybeline SuperStay Ink Crayon Lipstick ($9.99) color to mirror the deep purples in the images.

Floral Crown Photoshoot – Photos

Floral Crown Photoshoot
The key wit those pose is making sure that your shoulders stay relaxed, or you look like Gollum from Lord of the Rings lol!
Floral Crown Photoshoot
This was a candid shot!
Floral Crown Photoshoot
In this pose, I’m drawing attention to the ruffles on the collar of this dress. LOUD BODIES no longer makes it, dang it!
Floral Crown Photoshoot
when posing, the key is to pretend your hands have eyeballs. I know that sounds weird (lol), but that way you make sure that your hands can “see” your photographer!
Floral Crown Photoshoot
For this shot, I “bounced” my foot up and down to mimic the movement of taking a step
Floral Crown Photoshoot
Playing with tension in different joints is a great way to get new poses!
Floral Crown Photoshoot
Here, my toe is barely touching the ground.
Floral Crown Photoshoot
Candid ftw!
Floral Crown Photoshoot
Floral Crown Photoshoot
Strategic pose to keep the flower crown on my head, lol.
Floral Crown Photoshoot
In this shot I went DEEP into the bush, so that I’m physically holding back branches. The key is to keep looking relaxed – even though the branches are about to smack me in the face, lol.
Floral Crown Photoshoot
Another strategic pose to keep the crown on!

More Plus Size Fashion Editorials?!

Do you love seeing creative photoshoots like this? I’d love to share more of my work with you! Below, I’ve shared a few more photoshoots:

casual tiara outfit
Casual Tiara Plus Size Editorial

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