How to Post a Query on HARO (Help a Reporter Out) | Step by Step Guide

How To Post a Query to HARO

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Today on my blog, I’m sharing a step-by-step guide on how to post a query on HARO as a blogger or journalist.

I’m sharing this step-by-step guide to HARO on my blog, because as a business coach and consultant – I tell a lot of my clients to use HARO! And, because I tell folks to use the platform, I end up giving a lot of tutorials on *where* to click.

How to Post a Query on HARO (Help a Reporter Out)
Hi, I’m Brianne Huntsman (she/her), and I’m “The Huntswoman”! For more business content like this, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter here!

How to Post a Query on HARO

In this blog post, I’m going to share the steps to post a query on HARO. I post queries on HARO A few times a month for The Huntswoman (the business and lifestyle blog you’re on right now!), as it makes finding products for gift guides and roundups much easier.

Let’s get started!

Step 1: Create an Account on HARO

I use HARO as both a source (ie writers reach out to me for quotes), as well as a “journalist,” to get quotes and recommendations for posts I write on my website.

To get started and submit a query on HARO, you’ll need to create an account. On the homepage, click “I’m a journalist.”

How to Post a Query on HARO (Help a Reporter Out)
How to Post a Query on HARO

Step 2: Review Rules

Make sure to review the rules for publications and requests on the “I’m a journalist” page. Failing to abide by the rules may cause you to lose access to this rad tool.

Step 3: Sign Up for an Account

Next click “Sign Up” or this link here. Fill out the form and create your account.

How to Post a Query on HARO (Help a Reporter Out)
How to Post a Query on HARO

Step 4: Click on confirmation email.

it can take ten-ish minutes for the confirmation email to arrive. Once it arrives, click on the link to confirm your account.

And you’re on your way to writing your first query on HARO!

Step 5: Login & Click on “My Queries”

Click on “My Queries” in the upper lefthand corner of the HARO website.

How to Post a Query on HARO (Help a Reporter Out)

Step 6: Click on “Submit Queries”

How to Post a Query on HARO (Help a Reporter Out)

Step 7: Write a Query on HARO

Ok, so writing query could be a whole other blog post (and is something I teach my clients!).

When it comes to writing and posting a Query on HARO, I recommend:

  • Query Box: Being SUPER specific. What kind of companies or sources do you want to reach out?
  • Requirements: In this section, add requirements for your article or post. For this section, I ask myself, “Who might think they’re a fit for this post – but actually isn’t?”

I select a primary and secondary category (HARO will organize the posted queries via email by category. They send out a long list with info, and separating by category makes it much easier.)

  • Due Date: For this section, I usually choose a date 2 weeks out. Doing this means that sources have until the due date to share their sources. (If you have a deadline, I’d choose 3 days to a week before.)

Step 8: Submit the Query on HARO

Sources will start coming in, which is great! Sometimes, you’ll get few sources, which may mean you need to rework your query on HARO.

Example HARO Query Post

Below, I’ve share an example HARO Query submission for my blog. I’m writing gift guides for the holiday season:

  • Media Outlet: The Huntswoman
  • Outlet URL:
  • Summary: Seeking LGBT & Queer Visual Artists for Holiday Gift Guide 2021
  • Query: Seeking LGBTQ+ visual artists for a holiday gift guide roundup. The blog post listicle will feature artwork that is available for sale. Illustrators, visual artists and those creating small sculpture pieces are invited to submit. Priority will be given to artists with works available for sale on etsy.
    • When submitting, please share:
      • Name
      • Pronouns
      • Location
      • Brief Bio (2-3 sentences)
      • Medium
      • Website
      • Link to specific art piece to include
      • Permission to include piece in blog post
      • Link to specific web page or post where the artist identifies as a member of the LGBTQ+ community (ie bio or about page)
  • Requirements: Due to the nature of the post, the artist must identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community publicly. Due to requirements from ad partners, artwork that is deemed NSFW will not be included.
How to Post a Query on HARO (Help a Reporter Out)
How to Post a Query on HARO (Help a Reporter Out)

How to Post a Query on HARO —> What to Read NEXT!

I hope that this bog post guide on how to post a query to HARO helps you use the platform!

Here are a few other posts I think you will like:

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