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When I first saw the preview for Long Shot I was pretty intrigued.
What caught my attention was the chemistry I saw onscreen between Seth Rogan and Charlize Theron. This movie could’ve easily turned pretty mean, if the actors hadn’t been able to portray that chemistry.
Anyways, I’m getting ahead of myself! Below, is my movie review of The Longshot, a film about Charlotte Field, Secretary of State (Theron), running into, working with and then dating an out-of-work journalist Fred Flarsky (Rogan).
If you want a full-on ~thorough AF~ movie review, head over to… somewhere else? I cherrypick what I want to talk about round these parts – it’s my blog, and I do what I want!!
Women in Freaking Charge
One of my favorite parts about this film was one of the early scenes, where Charlotte Field comes home from an exhausting day, and after a long evening of calls with Very Very Important People, she ends up falling asleep on her bathroom rug.
Dear reader, not to glorify being a workaholic, I have definitely and absolutely passed out on a pile of towels in my bathroom.
This scene posed a question, or rather, shared the intent to explore how Really Driven Women (RDW) try to get it all down. Oftentimes, it involves iced spoons for puffy eyes and taking “micro-naps” while standing up.
And instead of the plot focusing on the “woman strives for balance and fails,” it focuses on Field being really good at her job, and the sacrifices that come with that.
But still remaining human, of course. It’s really nice to see a character who has her sh*t together // who is taking on climate change also deal with challenges like an awkward wave or eating a chicken skewer in public.
^^Even as I typed that, I rolled my eyes at myself. Gotta make sure women stay likable/relatable!! -_-
Being an RDW & Dating
After a meet-cute that involves the WWF and a sharp critique of media moguls, Flarsky character begins to work for Theron. It’s pretty cute and they’re adorable together, but MY FAVORITE part of this ENTIRE FILM is the exploration of what being “driven” means, and what it means for people to date who have different metrics for success.
At different points in the movie, Rogan’s character is portrayed as sloppy or not as “on it” as Theron. But that’s simply not fair! Rogan INFILITRATED A DEN OF WHITE SUPREMACISTS FOR A STORY. He is *driven*, but not in the traditional sense of suits and collecting power.
Both characters want to make massive change, but Field is willing to compromise and Flarsky is not. Which then translates into Field having power to actually make change, while Flarsky does not.

Fred Flarsky as the Feminist Boyfriend?
All in all, what I enjoyed MOST about the film was seeing a romance portrayed where the leading dude supports the leading lady. Usually romcoms focus on the typical dynamic, but this movie really ~broke the mold~ on how we see men act in mainstream media.
Their relationship is messy, cute, sexy (hello, Rogan in a tux) and has a sort of relatability or realness that other romcoms totally lack. It felt feminist, without pandering to the audience.
Major Plot Pothole (a la Politics)
Okay, so that’s all well and good! But we have an issue.
Flarsky is a super liberal dude, and Field is the Secretary of State working for the equivalent of Trump. YET NOWHERE in the film does Flarsky’s character “call out” Field for working for the Anti-Christ. Field goes rogue for a global policy on climate change, sticking it to the President et al – but she’s still working for a Republican.
Now, being a super liberal queermo, I have friends IRL like Flarsky. And I can’t imagine for one dang minute that they would just gloss over someone they grew up with working for a Republican. This makes no sense for a character whose own BFF lies by omission about being a Republican.
The film continued to jump around politically, making statements about politics, but this weirdo plot hole made it difficult to swallow.
Should I See This Movie?
Yes, especially if you’re a RDW. This is a totally new type of character for Theron, showing depth and complexity. If anything, you’ll leave feeling a little less alone by the chaotic nature of being a badass bitch.
Also, you need to see June Diane Raphael from “Grace & Frankie” on the big screen.
But seriously, it’s a fun movie. You can delve into the politics (global and those of attraction), while also literally lol’ing.
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