Plus Size Online Dating – 4 *BEST* TIPS

plus size online dating

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This blog post is ALL ABOUT how to dip into the world of online dating as a plus size babe. I’ve been talking about this over on my Instagram, discussing confidence and tips for plus size folks who are looking to date.

In this blog post, I”m going to share:

  • Best apps and websites for plus size dating
  • What pictures to use on your profile & why
  • What to include on your profile
  • Avoiding Jerks!!

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Plus Size Online Dating

Plus Size Online Dating Real Talk

There’s this insidious idea out there that plus size folks are “undatable.” I know that I have definitely had moments of doubt over putting myself out there on the dating marketing, because of my size.

This really started to change when I started following body positive and plus size influencers on Instagram, who have longterm partners or spouses. The media often doesn’t show these kind of couples (or if they do, it’s HEINOUS), and having this representation has been really critical for me. <#

Okay, let’s dive into tips!

Plus Size Online Dating

Best Apps and Websites – Plus Size Online Dating in 2021

Ok, when it comes to plus size dating there’s actually an app *explicitly* for it, called WooPlus. When I first heard of this app, no lie, I was all, “Oh, great. So this is full of gross chubby chasers? PASS!”

But THEN I started to chat with folks who have used WooPlus, and are currently with someone they met *on the platform*. Folks like Victoria of Fly for a Ginger!

Plus Size Online Dating

If WooPlus makes you a bit nervous, let’s look at other options!

Besides WooPlus, I’ve personally had the most luck on OkCupid (for queer dating). I’ve thought about downloading HER, the dating app for Lesbian, Bisexual and queer people. I’ve been told the options in Salt Lake City aren’t great, so gonna leave that alone for now!

I’ve tried Hinge, Bumble, and Tinder – but I’ve never met anyone off of those apps iRL!

Dating App Bonus Tip – Pay for Premium

I know that it’s tempting to stay on the free version of an app, but trust me when I tell you – it’s so much easier (and faster!) to see if an app is going to work for you by going premium.

Most apps/sites will show you who is interested, which makes it a zillion times easier to feel confident in reaching out to potential dates.

If you want to make serious moves in your romantic life – GET PREMIUM, BABE!!!!

Plus Size Online Dating

Tips for Photos – Plus Size Online Dating

Ok, my top #1 tip is this:


Babes, real talk. A lot of really terrible experiences can be avoided by using photos of your full body on the app. If all of your photos are strategic selfies with a filter – it’s going to be make it hard for folks to, you know, *see* you.

For your online dating profile, it may be a good idea to hire a photographer and do a photoshoot! You can take photos of you doing your fave activities, get some fun photos for social – and your dating profile all in one go. (Here’s a blog post I wrote with tips on posing.)

Here’s a list of photos to have:

  • Full body photo (ideally more than 2)
  • Photo of you showing a hobby or what you do for fun
  • Photo of you traveling or out and about
  • Photo of you and your dog/cat
  • Photo of you having fun
  • Only *one* photo of you with a group of friends

I add on that last rule, because I hate when someone has a photo with friends as their main picture. It makes it really hard to know who the profile belongs to!

Plus Size Online Dating
Real talk, swimsuits are my go-to! I want everyone to know what I look like!!

Tips for Writing a Profile – Online Plus Size Dating

Next up, let’s discuss how to write an online profile.

I usually put somewhere in my profile that I’m plus size, just to be 100% clear. So I’ll write something like “Plus size extrovert who loves (insert topic or activity here).”

I literally write that I’m plus size, so we’re all on the same page.

Some websites have the option of filing in a body type, like OkCupid. I wish they would add “plus size” as a body type.

Plus Size Online Dating
My username is @the_huntswoman on okcupid!

Avoiding Jerks – Online Plus Size Dating

Okay, so we’ve all heard some terrible stories from friends – which is probably why you’re looking for tips on the internet, right?! <3 <3

When it comes to online dating, know that you don’t owe *anyone* your time. I encourage you 100% to remain open to folks, but if someone is rude to you online or on a first date – gtfo! Never put up with rudeness or disrespect.

Questions/comments/concerns? Drop me a line on Instagram to discuss!

Plus Size Online Dating

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