Streaks App Review – – Worth the Money?


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Today on the blog, I’m sharing a Streaks app review – specifically sharing an honest review from my experience as to whether I think the Streaks app is worth the money. As someone with ADHD, I have tried a LOT of productivity hacks, systems and apps – and it can be overwhelming.

This blog post is all about the Streaks app review!

[Note: This blog post was originally published on May 3, 2019. It was last updated on August 5, 2023.]

Streaks App Review

Before I get started, I want to share a bit about me. If we have vastly different lives, this post may not be helpful!

A bit about me:

  • I have ADHD
  • I own multiple businesses
  • i don’t have kids

Back in the day, I used to think that having a schedule or being organized “limited my creativity,” or made me “boring.” I thought a planner would make me loose out on ~being spontaneous~. But that wasn’t the case at all. After a number of opportunities fell through the cracks my last year of college, I decided to #GetMyShitTogether and become more organized.

Turns out that being organized has increased my ability to be creative and spontaneous, because I know what I have to do on a given day. I’m not constantly running through my mental to-do list and worrying about forgetting things.

Is Streaks App worth the money?
Streaks App Review – Save this pin to your Pinterest! <3

About the Streaks App

From the developers: “Streaks is the to-do list that helps you form good habits. Every day you complete a task, your streak is extended. Choose or create up to twelve tasks, such as:

  • walk the dog
  • floss your teeth
  • practice Spanish

Working on something every day helps you form a new habit. Don’t break the chain, or your streak will reset to zero days.”

Streaks App Review: Struggle with the little things

While I’ve become much more organized in my daily life, I’ve had issues planning and scheduling the smaller to-do list tasks. Things like remembering to put on sunscreen, make my bed and promoting/share the work of those in my network!

Or personal development (I listen to Audible) and self-education.

I have struggled, flopped and flailed around – trying to figure out how to get the little things done!

Productivity Fix: The Streaks App

My friend Jonathan posted about the Streaks App a few years ago, and it lived in the back of my head as a potential solution. And about a month ago, I decided to try it – mostly to see if I could get myself to consistently make my bed.

Making my bed makes me feel better, better able to take on the world in the morning and it feels good to see when I come home. However, remembering to make it in the rush of the morning is another thing!

I have used the Streaks App for a variety of habits, including:

  • Remembering to take ADHD meds
  • Water intake
  • Thank you notes / gratitude practice
  • Writing blog posts
  • Daily step goals

How It Works: The Streaks App

Basically, the Streaks app tracks the # of days in a row you’ve done something, calling this a “Streak.” It uses gamifcation to make you want to keep your record, and helps you do things on a daily basis.

You have up to 12 tasks you can add, and you can customize them with a bunch of different icons. You can also see performance stats over time, and have a whole lot of fun if you’re a productivity hacker nerd like me.

You can set up the Streaks App to send notifications at a specific time to do something, which is nice because then I don’t have to add “Make Bed” to my Google Calendar for the rest of my life!!

What I like about the Streaks App

Something I like about the Streaks App is the ability to customize.


  • Set a habit for multiple times a day – this enables me to break down a bigger goal [ex: Drink 64 oz of water] into smaller goals throughout the day
  • Set a habit for each day or M-F – or 1-2 days a week

I can also set specific reminder times for different habits at different times of day. Love that!

Is Streaks App worth the money?

Major Design Issue: Getting to the Dang Calendar to Record a Finished Task

I have a degree in Product Design, and I have quite a bit of experience in app design. My #1 issue with the app is the “user flow” to be able to mark a task as done. I have to go the settings icon in the bottom lefthand corner, then hit the “…” that pops up next to the task. I hit that and *then* I can go to the calendar to mark the day.

Sometimes I hit the settings icon and a calendar icon pops up (instead of the “…”) but I haven’t been able to figure out how to get the app to do that reliably.

I don’t find the user experience intuitive, and I think the app has developed for hardcore users. Folks who aren’t tech-savvy may struggle to use the Streaks app.

Is the Streaks App worth the money?

The Streaks App is $4.99 on the app store. I kind of roll my eyes when people complain about buying apps – $4.99 is pretty cheap if it helps you get shit done!!

I have never *consistently* used the app, but I have found that it’s helpful in remembering to add a new daily habit. I go through spurts of using the app a lot or never opening it.

Overall, I think the app is worth trying and testing out!

This blog post was all about the Streaks app review!

What to read next —>

If you’re into productivity hacks, self-improvement, or figuring out ADHD, I think you’ll enjoy the following posts:

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