7 Tips for Throwing a Plus Size & Fat Positive Pool Party | Body Positive Blogger


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We all LOVED that scene in Shrill, where there are plus size babes living their best and body positive lives. Seeing a CROWD of plus size and fat folks living their best lives in a variety of plus size swimsuits was AMAZING.

Plus Size Pool Party
We. Love. This. Scene!!!

Plus Size Pool Party

Did you see that episode and you went, “Okay, how do I make my own plus size pool party happen?!?!”

I got you! Whether you want to organize a paid event with tickets, or you just wanna hang with your babes and get some fire Instagram content – here are my tips!

Tip #1 for a Plus Size Pool Party: Sell or Give Tickets on Eventbrite

I love hosting events on my Facebook page, but it can be really hard to figure out who is ACTUALLY coming, until the day of the event.

For this reason, I recommend offering tix to your plus size pool party on Eventbrite, so you can see EXACLTLY who is coming. Eventbrite also makes it easier to cap the number of attendees, and you can directly email people through the platform with updates!

Tip #2: Instagram Moments!

We all love seeing body positive swim pics on our Instagrams, so be sure to set up a little photo station with props for people to take pictures at! You can even create a branded hashtag for the event. It may even be worth it to hire a local photographer to take pictures.

I like these kits on Amazon, as you get everything you need with minimal effort!!

Plus Size & Fat Positive Pool Party

Tip #3 for a Plus Size Pool Party: Waver of Liability

Pools can be slippery, so it’s important to CYA when it comes to liability – especially if you’re hosting an event! Be sure to get insurance for the event, and include a waiver of liability people have to sign//agree to before coming. (Disclaimer: I’m not a lawyer, and I’m not 100% sure how this all works. If you’re hosting a paid event, definitely worth it to consult a lawyer!!)

Plus Size & Fat Positive Pool Party

Tip #4 for a Plus Size Pool Party: Shade & Seating

When picking a pool or a venue for your body positive pool party, be sure that it’s accessible! Are there ramps and wheelchair spaces? Is there enough seating for ALL of your guests to sit?

Also, as someone who gets migraines form being int he sun too long, you’ll also what to make sure there are canopies and umbrellas for shade!!

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FEELINGS ARE FACTS – AND THEY’RE… not?! ☀️ . Growing up, I was embarrassed of the intensity of my feelings. It felt like other people were able to maintain a sort of calm repose about life, and I was constantly barraged with feelings and opinions. . Not in the sense of being manic, more that I’m just Full of Feels. Captain Feelings or a Drama Queen, if you will. . When people say, “Oh I don’t really have an opinion on that,” or genuinely don’t care about something – I canNOT relate. My Being is full of swirling emotions and thoughts and opinions. i am not chill. I am a Leslie Knope! . If I act “laid back” then I want you to know the body snatchers have got me! ? . I used to be really embarrassed about this. Other people were able to look cool and effortless, and I’m the dork who is super excited and bouncing on her heels. If a friend is crying, I’m probably tearing up. . Thankfully, over the years I’ve learned to carry on with whatever needs to happen while being a stuffed to the brim with feelings. Emotional regulation FTW! For a while, I was ashamed of having so many opinions and feels that I took refuge in books. I found the characters in them a beautiful respite, as the novel shared all of their feelings and thoughts without the need to filter them out. . But I wouldn’t trade being this way for anything. Exploring my emotional response to fabrics, color and settings makes my artistic work, well, more rich imo! Learning to observe my feelings and responses, instead of getting swept up in them without my consent – is truly lovely. . Now I’m able to canon ball into them, into my Self, and fully take in their glory. . How do you like to experience feelings? Are you laid back? Or the opposite of chill? . #gabifreshxswimsuitsforall #effyourbeautystandards #createandcultivate #designyourlife #lgbttravel #queerfashion #desiremap #emotionalintelligence #wanderandwonder #bigmagic #lgbtlife #plussizeswimwear

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Tip #5: Sponsorships FTW

If you’re hosting a paid event, you’ll definitely want to pitch sponsors for it. Target businesses in your community, as well as explicitly body positive companies.

Don’t just ask for their dollars in a cold email – be sure to illustrate EXACTLY what they’d get from sponsoring (social media images, gifted swag bags to attendees, etc).

Tip #6 for a Plus Size Pool Party: Start Small

Events can take YEARS to get really big, and with that growth comes headaches. Be okay with hosting a smaller event to start, and then growing it over the next couple of years!!

 Plus Size Pool Party

Tip #7: Be Explicit on Guest List

Sometimes, we want to be in a safe space with other plus size and fat-identified folks! If this is the case for your event, you may want to include verbiage in the event description that makes this clear. <3

 Plus Size Pool Party
GabiFresh x Swimwsuits for All

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