LGBT Fashion Model Photoshoot – Leather Jacket & Sequin Skirt || Plus Size Posing Tips

LGBT Fashion Model Photoshoot -

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Hello friend! If you’re on this page, it’s because you’re looking for photos of LGBT fashion models or we’re already internet besties, and you somehow ended up on this post! However you got here, I’m super glad you’re here! <3

Today, I’m sharing a photoshoot from my ~archives~! (It feels very glamorous and cool to say that!) Since starting my platform years and years ago, I’ve done a LOT of super fun photoshoots. I’ve been making an effort to actually publish those photos on my blog (not just on Instagram and TikTok!), so here’s a fun plus size leather jacket photoshoot!

This post is about LGBT Fashion Model Photoshoot.

lgbt fashion model photoshoot
Overall, this is a fun photo, Aaand my right hand should be visible. Since then I’ve learned to make sure my hands can always “see” the photographer.

LGBT Fashion Model Photoshoot

So, fun factoid: This photoshoot was one of the very first photoshoots I did as an LGBT model and influencer.

This photoshoot was one of the very first photoshoots I did as an LGBT model.

And you can definitely tell, lolllll. I’m going to go through and share my thoughts on each photo, and hopefully give you some insight for posing for your own photos or photoshoots! At the end of the post, I share more recent photoshoots I’ve directed and modeled in — and you can compare my work!

You’d think I’d feel kind of embarrassed by some of these photos. Buuuut honestly? I’m not! I’m really proud of myself for showing up and doing the work I want to do, the creative work, even if it’s not perfect. I’m sure in a few years I’ll look back on my creative work in 2022 and have some notes for myself.

There’s this idea that everything on social media has to be perfect, and that’s just not the case! I used to wait to share my work until I thought it was “perfect,” but guess what?!

It’ll never be perfect!

Aaaand – one more thing! I wanted to share these photos and process so that if you’ve tried to have your own photoshoots — and hated all the pictures, that’s normal! When you’re first starting out, it’s normal to take a LOT of photos and end up with 4-5 (max) you like. A more experienced photographer can be helpful, and you also just have to learn!

lgbt fashion model photoshoot
In this photo, you can see I’m trying to figure out how to add movement and interest to the shot by holding out my skirt. A few years into the LGBT modeling game, and now I know that adding a slight ~swish~ back and forth here would’ve been great. I now know to move slow enough so the photographer can catch it without blurring issues, but also enough movement so it shows up on camera. Here, I’m just *holding* my skirt, and that doesn’t work.

Learning to Pose for Photoshoots

My initial plan was to just dump all the photos into this post, and share some overall commentary. Insteaaaad (lol), I went through and critiqued each photo. NOT because I’m mean and don’t love myself. Rather, I hope casting agents (hellur Rihanna Savage Fenty people!!!) and other aspiring LGBT models read through my feedback and learn a thing or two.

As a model, you have to be able to go back through your photos and learn from them! IT can be cringey and painful when you first start doing it (and lead to a bruised ego), but now that I’m a few years in — it comes totally naturally!

lgbt fashion model photoshoot
Again, the hair!! HOW?!?!?
lgbt fashion model photoshoot
Some time after this shoot, I took a course on pus size modeling from Hayley Herms and learned to *never* have one’s entire hand hidden from the viewer! It’s important to have a thumb poking out or hooked on the pockets!

Styling this LGBT Fashion Model Photoshoot

I went with a sort of James Dean inspired shoot, pairing a leather jacket and white t-shirt. I wanted to add some femme magic and a queer twist, which is why I pulled in this gold sequin mermaid skirt.

Styling this outfit was pretty fun,, as these were all pieces in my closet I didn’t see putting together until planning this photoshoot!

<< Want more photoshoots like this? Be sure to join my fashion email list here! >>

So, without further ado, here are ALL the photos from this photoshoot! Nowadays as a professinoal influencer and model, I wouldn’t expect to get this number of selects from a professional photographer. Usually 20 is more than enough, maybeee 30! But, with this many images, I can take over the internet (mwhahahaha), so I’m sharing ALL of them!! <3

LGBT Fashion Model Photoshoot

lgbt fashion model photoshoot
Are you seeing those James Dean vibes? It took a lot of tries to get a head tilt angle that I liked here!
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Years later, this is STILL one of my fave photos of me! I use it on my consulting website. I love the peak up, and the lifted skirt adds some visual interest. If I went back, I’d extend and uplift my neck a bit more, so it’s not as cut off.

lgbt fashion model photoshoot

lgbt fashion model photoshoot
I really love this photo, to be clear! And I also think I should’ve grabbed the skirt behind the side seams and done this. It woud’ve been more full and fun – but most importantly to the viewer, you can tell I’m having a blast! The camera loves me! And I love the camera!! :*
lgbt fashion model photoshoot
Okay, breaking up these photos with this close up. Models and pose coaches often talk about having a string connected to the crown of your head to help your posture. If I had done that here, I wouldn’t have lost my neck! But it’s still a fun shot!
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Here you can see a similar problem as above. If I would’ve just planted my feet and turned my hips back and forth, this shot would’ve had a lot of movement! I do love the juxtaposition of the skirt with the leather jacket and my hair in this shot. It’s really striking!
plus size posing tips
This is probably my favorite shot from this shoot. At least top 3. I’m having a blast, there’s movement, and I look gorgeous, darling! <3
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Here I accidentally got some movement in the skirt, which is great! Since doing this I’ve learned to drop my shoulder more.
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A three quarter turn (with a bit of a sway) would’ve turned this into a SLAMMER.
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Ok, this image is honestly just an outtake! The hair is doing stuff, I’m trying to play with my skirt and you can see me really TRYING here. Love it.
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I love what my hair is doing in this shot, with the strand going down the center of my forehead. Very James Dean. Previous notes on posture def apply here!
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I love the expression in this shot, and it’s one of my go-to poses as an LGBT model. Upturned chin for a bit of a challenge.
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Another derptastic outtake
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This is a super fun shot! I call this the “Oh my god I’m so pretty so I’m going to look at the ground so you can admire me without getting caught.” It’s a go to Pretty Girl TM move, and I love it
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Just derping around in this outtake! Now I know to let the photographer know if I’m going to stick out my foot and go out of frame lol
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It’s so fun looking at this photo. I’m very proud of past me for achieving this, and I’ve leveled up so much in my vogue-side-eye game!! <3
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OOF. I’m not sure what is going on with my hair here (I’ve since added a production assistant or a HMUA to my shoots).
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More derping! Here you can see the photo was playing with her settings.
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Close but not quite
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Another derping photo lol
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Another version of the above, close but nooooot quite!
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Now we’re getting somewhere! The smirk helps.
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oh my godddd I deleted this after adding it to the post, bc it’s all over the place! But I also want to show you all how you have to work your way to the shot you want!
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Ok, this pose is a little rigid. Bu tI am a fan of how everything looks and the placement of hands! You can SEE them!
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LMAO i do not look like i’m having a good time here (probably waiting on the photog to do a test)
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I’m digging the off-shoulder look here, but I didn’t know quite where to put my hands. This is why you’ll see a lot of models and influencers wearing a jacket like this with their hands on the lapel — looks more natural? Even though it’s not lol
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Here I was playing around with how tightly to hold my collar. Now I know to let the collar rest on my fingers — not to GRIP the collar super strongly unless I am going for tension in the photo.
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Still not sure where to put my hands lol
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Here I’m playing around with things, which is why my face shows my frustration. Part of being a model is keeping your face KILLER as you play around. Otherwise, you get the shot but your face is off (smh)
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Learning how to play with my hair as an LGBT model with a faux hawk lol
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Lol seeing this I just wanna grab my hands and put them along the lapel/zipper or just hang them down!!
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Another peeking up shot, this one with more of a smile. I love this photo!
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Still learning to play with my hair!
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Part of modeling is knowing how easy it is for your feet to look off or weird. If you’re not doing that on purpose with a pose, you gotta keep on eye on your feet placement (and never lock your knees!)
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We love a goofball moment!
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OKAY this is one of my fave photos from this LGBT model photoshoot. You can see movement, I’m having fun, and it’s a blast! (Just a bit of a next extension and we would’ve been golden but hey I’m being nitpicky)
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In this shot I’m trying to get that ~effortlessly cool~ James Dean vibe combing my fingers through my hair. This one didn’t quite work, lol, but in a later outfit (boyfriend jeans shoot here), I figure it out!
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Okay, here I’m getting better with the whole finger combing thing. I eventually figured out that your fingers have to be almost at the ends of your hair for this pose to work like I wanted it to
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Thought I needed to change the position of my head, but nope! The fingers need to be more towards the end!
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HERE is where I started playing with movement in my skirt, to see what could show up on camera. Learning to model is all about experimenting and committing to looking like a dork.
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More skirt swinging
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Still playing with the skirt swinging
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Baby Bri still struggling with those hands lol. And she knows it!
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More skirt swinging!
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~looking off into the distance~
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idk even know what is happening here tbh
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Ugh if I could go back in a time machine I’d yell “Relax your dang hands!!” lol
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Fun BTS shot

This post was about LGBT Fashion Model Photoshoot.

Learning to Pose FTW!

I hope that you had fun reading through this post! As I wrote this, I was a wee bit worried about my readers (that’s you!) thinking I only criticize myself. I don’t want to come across as mean!

My goal in sharing these photos was to:

  1. Share some super fun photos! I mean, how rad are gold sequins and leather?!
  2. Share what it’s like behind the scenes as a professional LGBT model! Learning to view your photos and discuss them– while still loving the crap out of yourself — is so important!

Shoutout to Hayley Herms for really helping me learn how to analyze my photos! (Interview with Hayley on her modeling career and plus size modeling class here!)

More Plus Size Fashion Editorials?!

Do you love seeing creative photoshoots like this? I’d love to share more of my work with you! Below, I’ve shared a few more photoshoots:

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