Round Face Shaved Head Haircut – 7 Pictures!!

round face shaved head photos

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Recently on my Instagram, a blogger friend tagged me in her story as someone who has had a variety of short haircuts for a round face. I’m a plus size blogger, and I’ve had short hair since… 2011 ish? There was a brief year where I grew out my hair and got extensions (college was wild, y’all!), but other that that I’ve had a short haircuts on my round face!! One of my fave haircuts is having a shaved head with my round face!

Today, I’m sharing a few photos of myself with a shaved head, showing that folks with round faces can rock a shaved head!!

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This blog post is all about round face shaved head!

Pinterest graphic round head shaved face
Hey there! I’m Brianne, AKA “The Huntswoman”! Something I learned PRETTY DANG QUICK when I had a shaved head was that red lipstick and false eyelashes became a staple for me (or eyelash extensions). Feminity is so fun!

Round Face Shaved Head

Ok, so when I first decided to shave my head — I kind of freaked out my family, lol!

Ok, I REALLY freaked out my family.

In pop culture, shaving one’s head (or changing one’s hair DRASTICALLY) can be seen as being in some sort of crisis. (Much love and empathy to Queen Britney Spears for her troubles and head shave choices.) For this reason, and a few others, I’ve decided to share a few tips on having a round face and shaved head:

  1. TELL PEOPLE BEFOREHAND! I had been thinking about shaving my head for YEARS, and I decided to just GO FOR IT after seeing the Jeremy Scott/MOSCHINO documentary. Unfortunately, I decided to finally do it at midnight, and I freaked my parents out (who I was living with at the time).
  2. Get a bestie! I thought I would be able to shave my head by myself, but actuallyyyy it’s a bit harder than you think to get it all even. I recommend getting a professional hair person to help you! It’s pretty easy to nick your scalp or ear.
  3. Use the guards! Ok, I knew next to nothing about shaving my head when I did it for the first time, and I wish I had known about how handy the “guards” are. I learned if I wanted a bit of color still on my head (see my first round face shaved head photo below), then I’m going to want to use a GUARD on my clippers — to leave a bit of hair on my head.

Heads up!!! This blog post was first published on January 30, 2021. It was last updated on August 17, 2023!

#1: Round Face Shaved Head Model

Here I am modeling for Plus Bklyn with a shaved head! Plus size modeling fTW! One can absolutely model women’s clothing with a shaved head!!

woman with shaved hair and round face with red lipstick in jean jacket
woman with shaved hair and round face with red lipstick in white top and black pants
Want to see more photos like this? Be sure to follow me on Instagram!

#2: Round Face Shaved Head Photoshoot

In 2019, I shaved my head for the 3rd or 4th time. Super fun! Here’s a photoshoot showing my round face with a shaved head! More photos of this photoshoot here!

woman with shaved hair and round face with red lipstick in editorial photoshoot in desert
Want to see more photos like this? Be sure to follow me on Instagram!

#3: Round Face Shaved Head Photos

I had such a fun time doing this photoshoot. My hair is a bit longer than a freshly shaved head, but that’s okay! Still looking cute!

More photos from this photoshoot here!

woman with shaved hair and round face with red lipstick in editorial photoshoot in field with white dress
Want to see more photos like this? Be sure to follow me on Instagram!

#4: Round Face Shaved Head Photo

You can absolutely have a round face with a shaved head – and be professional! It’s all about making sure you regularly shave your head, as the shaved hair can get a bit “fluffy”!

More photos from this photoshoot here!

woman with shaved hair and round face with red lipstick in editorial photoshoot in field with white business suit
Want to see more photos like this? Be sure to follow me on Instagram!

#5: Round Face Shaved Head

When I have a shaved head, I tend to wear larger earrings, statement red lipstick and really ~femme~ it up. If this isn’t part of your gender presentation, no worries!!

woman with shaved hair and round face with red lipstick in editorial photoshoot in field with white dress
Want to see more photos like this? Be sure to follow me on Instagram!

#6: Round Face Shaved Head Model in Dress

I love this black and gold skater dress, it was so much fun to shoot with! Those tights ++ combat boots really finish out the look!

woman with shaved hair and round face with red lipstick in editorial photoshoot
Want to see more photos like this? Be sure to follow me on Instagram!

#7: Round Face Shaved Head Model in Jumpsuit

Fashion photographer, Lydia Hudgens, took this photo of me – and I LOVE THIS! We love a shaved head with statement earrings!!!

woman with shaved hair and round face with red lipstick in editorial photoshoot in jumpsuit
Want to see more photos like this? Be sure to follow me on Instagram!

This blog post was all about round face shaved head!

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