Sassy Secret Santa Gifts for Co-Workers (Under $25)


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Are you looking for Secret Santa gifts for your coworkers that are under $25?  Then this post is for you!!

It’s that time of year, where some companies have “Christmas Parties” and others have “Holiday Parties,” but one thing remains the same:  The need to buy gifts for co-workers, oftentimes Secret Santa gifts for folks you don’t know how to shop for.

Under $25 Coworker Secret Santa Gifts

You don’t HAVE to buy a gift for all of your co-workers and colleagues, but doing so is a nice way of thanking them for having your back this year.  Aaaand, because you don’t want to create a weird power dynamic, my inner Emily Post dictates spending no more than $25 on a gift (unless you work at a job where you make more than $100,000 a year.  Then by all means, GIVE FREELY!)

Below, is a list of gifts and a few little schemes to find the Best Present Ever for colleagues you love and those you kind of like, but have to buy for because of a Secret Santa drawing.

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#1 Coworker Secret Santa Gift: For the Coworker Who Loves (to Kill) Plants

Do you have a coworker who loves bringing in a new succulent every week?  Who also discreetly disposes of shriveled buys?

This Desert Display Push Pin Set ($14.99) from ModCloth takes on the geometric look of a mini terrarium, with cute little cactuses (that won’t perish from lack of sunlight).Coworker Secret Santa Gift

#2 Coworker Gift Under $25:  The Colleague Who Loves PRIDE Month

This Fantastic Unicorn Tape Dispenser is perfect for your work friend who put together a presentation on LGBTQIA history for the office this past June.  This cute little unicorn will fit right in next to their pride flags and sign about their pronouns!  It’s also available on Amazon Prime if you’ve procrastinated a little too much!

Coworker Secret Santa Gift

#3 Coworker Gift for Secret Santa:  The Dude Bro You Kind of Hate

Almost every office has one:  the guy who didn’t quite grow out of being a #FratBro.  While you’d love to buy him a copy of “Men Explain Things to Me” (hey, I support it!), your best bet is to go with a gag gift.  This Bacon Addicts Oral Care Kit, also serves to let him know exactly what you think of him.

Coworker Secret Santa Gift

#4 Secret Santa Gift for Your Boss

Buying a gift for your boss can be stressful.  You don’t want to come across as a suck-up, but you kind of want to come across as a suck-up????  To avoid a socially awkward situation, give social good! UNICEF has a whole market dedicated to gifts you can buy in someone else’s name that help people in need. It’s a bit confusing, so scroll down to “How do you want to give?” to see menu options like Shelter, Water & Sanitation, etc.

$19 buys a Polio vaccine for 100 children, and there are other immunization gifts here.  Be sure to buy the gift in the name of your boss (not yours), so they get the tax credit.

#5 Secret Santa Gift for Coworker –  The Office Gossip

We all have to deal with them – the folks who are always in someone else’s business.  Give them a month of Headspace for 1 month at $12,99. Headspace is a meditation app that helps people gain perspective + be more self-aware and mindful.  Hopefully this newfound awareness will help them stop being such a pain in the ass.

Coworker Secret Santa Gift

#6 Secret Santa Gift for the Office Social Butterfly

Sometimes an office manager or admin, the social butterfly in your office may just be an extrovert who folks love to hang out with.  Folks love stopping at their desk, and they’re one of your fave people.  Give them a felt board with letters,   so they can share funny quotes and polls – coworkers passing by will love it.

Coworker Secret Santa Gift

#7 Christmas Gift For  Your Office Bestie

In my opinion, sassy mugs make the best gift.  Find one that reminds you of an inside joke with your office bestie, or choose one that’ll fit their (stellar) sense of humor.  This LookHuman mug from Amazon is so fun!

Coworker Secret Santa Gift

#8 Christmas Gift for a Proud  Feminist Coworker

Hopefully your office bestie is also a feminist, but if you want to buy them MORE prezzies, you def need to go with Shop Fiercely!  Unlike Feminist Apparel (a popular brand that got a lot of bad press this year for firing LGBT+ workers and being led by a white man with shittastic values), Shop Fiercely is a small biz owned by a woman (Hi, Valery!), who’s actually, you know, a feminist.

Most tees are $25 and mugs start around $12!

#9 Coworker Secret Santa Gift:  The World Traveler (To Be?)

This scratch off calendar from Amazon (available on Prime!) is a few dollars over budget at $28.99, but we’ll just let that slide, shall we?  As you visit places around the globe, you “scratch off” the country, much like a lottery ticket.  This is perfect for the coworker who figures out to add a few days to business trips, is negotiating work trips – or is considering saying, “Screw it!” to travel full-time.

Coworker Secret Santa Gift

There’s the roundup!  Didn’t find what you’re looking for?  Comment with a few facts about the person you’re shopping for, and I’ll help you find something!

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