Vetting a Life & Business Coach | Coaches with No Credentials


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Y’all I’m concerned.

I’m concerned with the amount of bs coaching I’m seeing. And I’m not calling bs on specific methodologies or niches — variety is the spice of life, and what’s good coaching for a friend may not work for you.

But something I’m seeing so much of, is coaches building things like “6 Figure Marketing Club” when they themselves haven’t made that money. Or WORSE, they make all their money teaching people how to make courses/programs to make money.

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“I’ll teach you to make 6 figures by selling online courses, but first take my online course on making 6 figures. The same course that I use to make a crap ton of money off of schleps like you.”

It’s a circle jerk, frankly.

If you can’t identify a coach’s product in a succinct sentence, LEAVE.

Did You Know I Offer Coaching?

I offer coaching to help professionals build their personal brands, and I also coach creatives (influencers, bloggers, artists, etc) on how to build their social media and make that $$$$.

Link here.

I decided to write this post to make it clear that 1) I’m not bs-ing anyone (I turn away about 30% of inquiries, because I’m not a fit) and 2) I want y’all to feel empowered when it comes to finding and choosing the right coach for you.

Below, I share a questionnaire that helps you find the right coach for your needs:

Coach Questionnaire

  1. Don’t settle on the first coach you talk to. Make it a point of looking up 5 and reaching out to at least 2 for a chat.
  2. What’s your budget? How much ROI does your coach need to bring within 3 months to make sense to keep retaining her?
  3. What do her testimonials/referrals say? If you’re dropping more than $1,000 on a coach, get a freaking referral on the phone. Better yet, get three.
  4. What are her credentials, and how will they specifically help you? Did she build an etsy empire, starting at $0 and making 6 figures? Was her startup bought out? For how much? Has she worked with people in your industry before?
  5. Has she done what you want to do? Or helped someone do what you want to do? Worked in the industry or with the customer you’re targeting?
  6. Is she transparent about what she *doesn’t* do? Coaching isn’t a freaking 7-Eleven, and you should beware a Jane-of-All-Trades. She should be real clear about the type of people she doesn’t help.
  7. Does she have a referral network? Crappy coaches stink, and if she’s not hanging out with other coaches it’s because they can’t stand to be around her.
  8. What will meetings include? How much homework per week will be assigned? Read the fine print.
  9. Will services be renewed automatically? You know how gyms charge you a ton of fees to break contract? Make sure the coach doesn’t do that. (I require my clients opt-in for additional coaching.)
  10. Does the coach offer a mastermind group or one-off sessions? It’s probably better to start with one of these before signing up for 1:1 coaching.
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You Don’t Owe a Potential Coach Your Money

You can say, “No.” at any time. Any point in the call or email discussion or fb chat. Just because you’re talking to someone doesn’t mean that you have to hire them. Now, don’t be an jerk. as you still need to COMMUNICATE. Let them know if you’re not going to secure their services, so you can both move on


Here are a few red flags that will alert you to end the conversation and find someone else to work with:

  • If you feel pressured to buy, or if she hems and haws about her rates — get out. None of that “Pricing doesn’t matter, it’s about the value I bring.” Uh, yes, we live in a late capitalist society, and money does effing matter.We’ve got empires to build, and no time for bs!!
  • IF she doesn’t have referrals to share, get out. I have at any given time ~10+ people who would love to get on the phone with future clients, because I’ve helped them THAT much. (If she’s starting her business and you’d be one of her first clients, then she should be upfront about that!)
  • She acts like a therapist. Y’all, I have a coaching agreement that states in 5 places that I’m not a therapist, and I ask my clients to either go to therapy for a year before working with me or do it at the same time. If a coach sounds like a therapist, you’ll want to exit the dance floor.

Ask the Hard Questions

Above all, a truly stellar coach will be totally fine with you asking probing questions, and she’ll probably invite you to chat on the phone to go over everything (emails can get lengthyyyy). If you’re not comfortable getting on the phone (conflict averse, anyone?) that’s fine!

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