#1 Bada$$ Business Babes*: Jacqueline Whitmore of Copperhive Vintage


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It feels like the media/press recycle the “same old” influential [non-white cis men] creatives. So, instead of just complaining about this (which I’m super good at!), I decided to begin highlighting some of my favorite creative business babes!

Jacqueline Whitmore is a plus size fashion blogger and co-owner of Copperhive Vintage, in Sugarhouse, Utah. She’s an internet friend turned IRL friend, and I’m stoked to have her as the first in this new series!

Jacqueline Whitmore, Salt Lake City Business Store Owner

1. Okay, let’s talk Instagram first. How did you come up with @chubbydustbunny as a username?

It comes from being a picker, from both worlds, of fashion and my vintage shop. Just because when I’m picking stuff, I’m usually in a barn or a dead person’s house, so it’s not always a clean situation. So I’m a cute and chubby picker, but also dirty — hence “Chubby Dust Bunny.”

2. YESSS I love the imagery. A hashtag I see you use a lot is #ThriftOrDie — what’s up with that?

#ThriftOrDie is my personal shopping style. I’d rather buy something from the 1950’s that comes from working class folks that will last me. I buy most of my stuff at thrift stores, because it keeps things out of the landfill and lasts longer. Thrifting has increased in popularity, and now it’s a whole different world. It’s a total movement now.

3. Love it. But you’re not just a fabulous blogger — you also own a brick and mortar, Copperhive Vintage! How did you come up with the name of “Copperhive Vintage”?

I had a shop name for a while, and another boutique had the copyright. Even though the boutique didn’t sell what we were selling, my attorney told me it was a gray area. (Note to my aspiring business owners: Always check the trademark!)

We decided to create a name that doesn’t exist, and we went through SO MANY names. “Copperhive” comes from Utah being the “beehive state” and copper being an industry here. It’s vague enough that we can explore new things in the future.

4. What do you wish you had known before going into business for yourself?

Your group of people, your support network is so important. Having the support to take the leap of faith is so important. We could’ve opened Copperhive sooner, but having a group of people that said, “JUST DO IT” helped us open the doors! Also, owning a business is joy or terror, depending on the day.

Also, owning a business is joy or terror, depending on the day.

Also, I had no idea how many online friends I’d make! I have friends that I have never met that I can go to for support.

5. Why did you open a vintage/thrift store in Salt Lake City, instead of another business?

I worked at a nonprofit thrift store from “Somebody’s Attic” in Logan, Utah, and I would take stuff home I loved. I kept bringing home stuff, and I got to the point where I realized I had too much. Then, when I met Logan (my husband), we started doing flea markets and we sold so much. We realized, “Hey, we’re really good at this!” Eventually, we opened the shop.

6. What’s coming up for the store?

Strengthening our roots in Sugarhouse, and I want to create more lifestyle and lookbooks for the shop. We’re super excited for Craft Lake City. And creating our own products, like patches!

7. How is selling on etsy different than selling in person?

Online is SO oversaturated, there are so many vintage vendors. But, with online, I can also sell at a better price point. It’s a lot easier to sell higher price items online, as items over $100 don’t sell quickly in my shop but they’ll go super quickly online.

Let’s talk about THIS DRESS OMGGG.

On the flipside, I love markets because I get to meet people! When you buy something vintage it finds you, you don’t find it. I love seeing folks get excited and hear their stories, I love it.

When you buy something vintage it finds you, you don’t find it.

Woman business owner vintage shop Jacqueline Whitmore

8. Do folks hire you as like, a “personal shopper” for vintage clothes?

Oh hell yes! Oftentimes if I’ll find something that reminds me of a customer, and I’ll share it with them via text. A lot of customers have very specific styles, so it’s fun to collaborate with them.

Thank you Jacqueline!

Did you enjoy reading about Jacqueline’s life? Follow her on Instagram, and check out her shop!

What to Read Next —>

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