Gardner Village Witchfest 2018: Review | Utah Blogger


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There are two types of people in the world: Those who go ALL OUT for Halloween, and those who do not.

I happen to be in the first group!

Every year, I go with my mom and sister to Witchfest at Gardner Village, a sort of outdoor Halloween festival.  Witchfest has steadily grown over the years, incorporating outdoor activities with the various shops at Gardner Village.

This year, I thought it would be fun to write a review!  As Witchfest has grown so have the activities. You can buy tickets for things like “Witch in the Kitchen,” a fun dinner and tasting, or Dinner Theatre.

My sister, my mom and I attended “Witchaplooza,” basically a night where loads of women come decked out in witch costumes.

Gardener Village Witchfest Review: Parking & Accessibility

We parked a few blocks away from Gardner Village, on the road by the cemetery.  This year, Gardner Village offered $5 valet parking.

I saw some people using wheelchairs/canes, and most of the paths between the shops are paved.  However, some shops are unaccessible due to porches/steps.   Brianne and her mom, Helen, dressed up in witch costumes for #Witchfest

Gardner Village Witchfest Review: The Shops

If you go to Witchfest, be sure to bring your wallet.  Gardner Village is made up of outdoor shops, each store has it’s own building – like small little houses.  All of the stores have super fun Halloween decor.

Gardner Village Witchfest Review: Photo Ops (For #TheGram!!)

If you’re going to get all dressed up, you bet your cute butt that you should be taking pics!  There are little “witch scenes” installed throughout Gardner Village, showing everything from a witch flying on a bike to cooking up spells.  All of the installations move, and delight folks of all ages.

Gardner Village Witchfest Review: “Witch” Weekend for “Witches Night Out”?

Witchfest takes place all of October, and “Witches Night Out” has two weekends, one mid-October, and one the weekend before Halloween.  This year, we went to the first weekend, and last year (2017), we went to the second.  Overall, the second weekend is more crowded and fun, with more people in costumes.  Probably because it’s closer to Halloween.

Review:  Fancy Witch Costumes

One of my favorite things about Witchfest is looking at the higher end costumes at “Shopaholics” a store in Gardner Village.  These are rock’n’roll worthy witch costumes, with velvet jackets, fun hats and corsets.  They have a limited size range (ugh, no plus), so we didn’t buy anything.

Review:  Food & Activities

Besides shopping and photo opportunities, there’s also giveaways and dancing in the main square of Gardner Village.  If you’re a fan of scavenger hunts, be sure to print this before you go!

Have you been to Witchfest?  What did you think?  Let me know in the comments!

What to Read Next —>

Looking for other fun things to do in Utah?  Here are a few other guides I’ve put together:

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